Prepare for the Adobe Workfront Core Developer Professional exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
QA4Exam focus on the latest syllabus and exam objectives, our practice Q&A are designed to help you identify key topics and solidify your understanding. By focusing on the core curriculum, These Questions & Answers helps you cover all the essential topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for every section of the exam. Each question comes with a detailed explanation, offering valuable insights and helping you to learn from your mistakes. Whether you're looking to assess your progress or dive deeper into complex topics, our updated Q&A will provide the support you need to confidently approach the Adobe AD0-E908 exam and achieve success.
A marketing agency uses Workfront to plan and execute projects for their clients. Each project is associated with a Portfolio to represent the client and a Program to represent the year that the work was completed. A team leader has asked for a list report that shows the actual revenue for each Project and the total actual revenue for each client.
How would a Workfront Developer achieve this?
Create a project report:
Navigate to the Reports area in Workfront and select the option to create a new project report.
Add actual revenue as a column:
In the report configuration, add a new column and select the field for actual revenue.
Set this column to summarize by sum to calculate the total revenue for each project.
Apply grouping by portfolio name:
To aggregate the revenue by client, group the report by the portfolio name. This ensures that all projects under the same client are summarized together.
A project manager has left the company.
What should the system administrator do to free up their license type while maintaining historical information in Workfront?
Deactivate the user to avoid loss of data:
Deactivating the user keeps all historical data intact while freeing up their license for reassignment. This method ensures that the user's contributions and project histories remain accessible for reporting and auditing purposes.
When someone who is named as the Default Assignee in a routing rule has their account deactivated, how does Adobe Workfront route requests?
Objective: Understand how requests are routed when the default assignee in a routing rule is deactivated.
Routing Behavior:
The creative services team often completes continuing education courses or specific certifications to expand their skillset. These hours are not linked to a specific project. They have asked the system administrator to create an hour type that will appear on their timesheet.
What are two steps the system administrator would take to create a new hour type named Training and Certifications? (Choose two.)
To create a new hour type named 'Training and Certifications' for the creative services team, the system administrator would need to take the following steps:
Navigate to Hour Types:
Log into Adobe Workfront as an administrator.
Go to the Setup area by clicking on the Setup link in the upper-right corner.
Under the 'Timesheets & Hours' section, click on 'Hour Types'.
Create a New Hour Type:
Click the 'New Hour Type' button to create a new hour type.
In the Name field, enter 'Training and Certifications'.
Set the Hour Type as General:
In the Hour Type settings, ensure that the 'General' option is selected. This ensures that the hour type is general and not tied to specific billing or project-related activities.
Select ''General'' from the available options. This categorizes the hours as non-specific to a particular project or client work.
Uncheck the 'Count as Revenue' Box:
There is an option labeled 'Count as Revenue' which, if checked, considers the hours logged under this type as billable revenue. Since training and certifications are not revenue-generating activities, this box should be unchecked.
Ensure that the 'Count as Revenue' box is unchecked to prevent these hours from being considered billable.
Save the New Hour Type:
After configuring these settings, click 'Save' to create the new hour type.
Ensure all necessary details are correct and then save the new hour type.
These steps will create a new hour type named 'Training and Certifications' that appears on timesheets, allowing the creative services team to log hours for their training and certification activities.
The steps for creating and configuring hour types can be found in the 'System Admin Essentials' section of Workfront documentation and training materials, which cover detailed administrative tasks (Webinar - Admin Essentials - User Experience - Apr 27, 2022).
A project manager needs to share a Custom Form that was created to support their portfolio. What should the project manager understand about this requirement?
In Adobe Workfront, Custom Forms can be shared by their authors with specific permissions. The author of a Custom Form has the ability to control who can view, share, and edit the form. These permissions can be set for individuals, roles, groups, teams, and even across the entire company. This functionality is critical for maintaining control over who can access and modify the forms, ensuring that only authorized users have the appropriate level of access.
This information is consistent with the permissions settings outlined in the Workfront documentation and in various training resources provided by Adobe.
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