Prepare for the Arcitura Education Cloud Architecture Lab exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
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Cloud Service A and Cloud Service B perform different functions but both share access to Cloud Storage Device A when fulfilling requests from cloud service consumers that require data access.
Cloud Services A and B are hosted by Virtual Server A, which is hosted by Hypervisor A on Physical Server A.
Cloud Service Consumer A accesses Cloud Service A to issue a request for data (1). Cloud Service A queries a database in Cloud Storage Device A to retrieve the data (2). Upon receiving the requested data, Cloud Service Consumer A combines it with additional data to form a new collection of data. Cloud Service Consumer A then accesses Cloud Service B and provides it with the new data (3). Cloud Service B accesses a different database in Cloud Storage Device A to store the new data (4). Cloud Consumer B accesses the usage and administration portal to upload new data (5). The data is uploaded to Cloud Storage Device B (6).
Cloud Service Consumer A belongs to Organization A. Cloud Consumer B belongs to Organization B.
Cloud Service A is a SaaS product offered by the cloud provider to the general public, and is therefore used by numerous cloud consumers from different organizations at different times. Cloud Service B is also a SaaS product as part of the same overall solution as Cloud Service A.
However, because a given cloud service consumer only needs to access Cloud Service B when the data it receives from Cloud Service A meets certain criteria, it is not used nearly as much as Cloud Service A. Cloud Service A currently has a hard threshold allowing no more than 10 concurrent instances of it to exist at once. One day, Cloud Service Consumer A attempts to access Cloud Service A as the eleventh cloud service consumer, and is predictably rejected.
Cloud Service Consumer A belongs to Organization A, one of the cloud provider's most important customers. Therefore, when Organization A complains about not being able to access Cloud Service A during peak usage times, the cloud provider agrees to provide a solution.
As a result of a natural disaster, the cloud provider's data center that houses Physical Server A becomes unexpectedly unavailable. Physical Server A subsequently becomes unavailable for nearly two days. This outage exceeds what the cloud provider guaranteed in its original SLA and the cloud provider agrees to not charge Organization for usage fees for an entire month as compensation. However, the unavailability of Physical Server A had a significant impact on Organization As business, resulting in financial loss and loss of confidence of its clients.
Organization A informs the cloud provider that it cannot continue working with this cloud unless the cloud provider can guarantee that the availability of Physical Server A will no longer be dependent on a single data center or a single geographic region.
Organization B receives its latest monthly invoice from the cloud provider and discovers that the charges are identical to the invoice it received last month, even though the usage and administration portal shows that its data usage is a third less. They bring this issue to the attention of the cloud provider and are informed that they are currently subscribed to a fixed-allocation plan.
The cloud provider explains that in order to get them on a plan whereby they are charged only for actual data usage, Cloud Storage Device B would need to be upgraded and a system capable of tracking runtime usage would need to be established. Organization B asks the cloud provider to make these changes.
Which of the following statements provides a solution that can address Organization A's and Organization B's issues?
Virtual Server A is hosted by Hypervisor A, which resides on Physical Server A. Virtual Server A
hosts Cloud Services A and B. Virtual Server B is hosted by Hypervisor B on Physical Server B.
Physical Server C is currently not being used.
Cloud Service Consumer A sends a request to Cloud Service A that is intercepted by Pay-Per-Use
Monitor A
(1), which collects billing-related usage data that is later forwarded to the billing management system
(2). Cloud Service A receives and processes the request
(3). Cloud Consumer B accesses the usage and administration portal
(4) to access data on Cloud Storage Device B. Pay-Per-Use Monitor B intercepts the data access to collect and forward billing-related usage data to the billing management system
(5). Cloud Storage Device B processes the data access request from Cloud Consumer B
Cloud Service Consumer A and Cloud Consumer B belong to Organization A
Cloud Storage Device B is accessed on a regular basis by Cloud Consumer B. However,
managers at Organization A receive reports from their cloud resource administrator that Cloud Storage Device B is unavailable for longer periods and more frequently than what they expected, based on the SLA availability guarantee they were provided by the cloud provider. This results in wasted time when the cloud resource administrator attempts to upload or access data and then discovers that Cloud Storage Device B is unavailable. The cloud resource administrator requires a means of checking for the availability of Cloud Storage Device B prior to attempting access.
As the workload increases on Physical Server B, Cloud Consumer B begins to receive runtime exceptions and degraded data access performance from Cloud Storage Device B. It is determined that the cause of the deteriorating performance is a network bottleneck that has formed on Physical Server B due to its bandwidth capacity being reached, primarily because of other cloud consumer organizations also sharing its hosted IT resources.
Organization A receives a monthly billing statement that shows the charges for the total usage of Cloud Service A during that period. However, Organization A requires a more detailed breakdown of the types of usage and their associated costs. For example, Cloud Service Consumer A can issue requests for information by employees within Organization A and on behalf of clients of Organization A. Organization A requires a breakdown of the usage costs incurred on behalf of clients so that it can bill the clients for this usage accordingly. The cloud provider informs Organization A that it has no existing monitor that can collect and log this detailed usage information and suggests that Organization A customize its own monitor.
Which of the following statements lists the patterns that can be applied to solve these three problems?
Cloud Service A requires access to Cloud Storage Device A, which contains LUNs A and B. Cloud Service A is hosted by Virtual Server A, which resides on Hypervisor A on Physical Server A.
Virtual Server B hosts Cloud Service B and Cloud Service C.
Cloud Service Consumer A accesses Cloud Service A (1), which then accesses LUN A or B on Cloud Storage Device A (2). After receiving the requested data from Cloud Service A, Cloud Service Consumer A forwards the data to Cloud Service B (3), which then writes it to Cloud Storage Device B (4).
Cloud Service Consumer A belongs to Organization A,
Organization A uses LUN A and LUN B on Cloud Storage Device A to store their important client account data. Cloud Storage Device A is a low-performance cloud storage device, which begins to cause performance issues as more data is added to LUNs A and B and as Cloud Service Consumer A performs data access requests more frequently. Organization A asks that its cloud architecture be upgraded to process increased quantities of data and higher volumes of data requests.
Organization A has been leasing a PaaS environment that it used to build Cloud Service A, which it would like to make available to the general public. Organization A needs to establish a system capable of monitoring usage of Cloud Service A for billing purposes.
The cloud provider is using a usage data collection and reporting system that gathers information on Organization A's hosted IT resources approximately ten hours after the time of usage. One day, Organization A attempts to retrieve information on whether Virtual Server B has available Cloud Service C instances. They discover that they are unable to obtain the current status of Virtual Server B. Organization A demands a system that provides instant availability reporting.
Which of the following statements lists the patterns that can be applied to solve these three requirements and problems?
Cloud Service A is hosted by Virtual Server A. Cloud Storage Device A contains LUN A. Cloud Storage Device A is a multi-tiered cloud storage device with different types of disk groups that perform at different levels. LUN A is located in the disk group with the highest performance level.
Cloud Service B is hosted by Virtual Server B. Virtual Servers A and B are hosted by HypervisorA,
which is installed on a physical server (not shown) that resides in Cloud A. A redundant implementation of LUN A is replicated synchronously to Cloud Storage Device C. Cloud Storage
Device C does not support multiple types of disk groups and resides in Cloud B, which is located in a different geographic region than Cloud A. Requests that cloud service consumers send to Cloud Services A and B are intercepted by an automated scaling listener responsible for initiating scaling activities.
Cloud Service Consumer A issues a request to Cloud Service A (1). To process the request, Cloud Service A accesses LUN Aon Cloud Storage Device A (2). Cloud Service Consumer B issues a request to Cloud Service B (3). To process the request, Cloud Service B accesses LUN B on Cloud Storage Device B (4).
When Cloud Service Consumer A accesses Cloud Service A, there is usually no noticeable performance fluctuation, even during peak usage periods. However, recently, Cloud Storage Device A became unexpectedly unavailable, requiring that Cloud Service A access LUN A on Cloud Storage Device C instead. During the following outage period for Cloud Storage Device A,
Cloud Service Consumer A encounters inconsistent performance from Cloud Service A, including
unusual delays that occur whenever the data requested by Cloud Consumer A isn't cached and
Cloud Service A is required to retrieve the data from LUN A.
Which of the following statements describes a solution that can address this problem?
Physical Server A hosts Hypervisor A which hosts Virtual Server A, Virtual Server B and an active cluster comprised of three virtual servers. Virtual Server A hosts Ready-Made Environment A. Ready-Made Environment A uses Cloud Storage Device A to store data related to the ready-made environment and its users. Cloud Service A is hosted by a high-availability (HA) virtual server cluster. Hypervisor A is a cluster-enabled hypervisor.
Developers access Ready-Made Environment A to work on the development of a new solution (1).
During this usage. Ready-Made Environment A regularly reads and writes data to Cloud Storage Device A (2). Cloud Service Consumer B accesses Cloud Service A (3). Cloud Service A queries data residing in Cloud Storage Device A in response to processing requests from Cloud Service Consumer B (4).
Hypervisor A is made part of a cluster of hypetvisors. Ready-Made Environment A, which is still hosted by Virtual Server Aon Hypervisor A, subsequently becomes unexpectedly unavailable. It then takes twenty minutes to pass before Virtual Server A and Ready-Made Environment A become available again on Hypervisor B (a hypervisor that is also part of the hypervisor cluster). This delay is considered unacceptable by Cloud Consumer A. Furthermore, after being relocated
to Hypervisor B, Virtual Server A is unable to connect to the network. By the time the cloud provider rectifies this second problem, Cloud Consumer A experiences a total of two hours of downtime.
Which of the following statements describes a solution that can minimize or entirely avoid a delay for the runtime relocation of Ready-Made Environment A?
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