Prepare for the Arcitura Education SOA Design & Architecture Lab exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
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The Client and Vendor services are agnostic services that are both currently part of multiple service compositions. As a result, these services are sometimes subjected to concurrent access by multiple service consumers. The Client service is an entity service that primarily provides data access logic to a client database but also provides some calculation logic associated with determining a client's credit rating. The Vendor service is also an entity service that provides some data access logic but can also generate various dynamic reports. After reviewing historical statistics about the runtime activity of the two services, it was discovered that the majority of concurrent runtime access is related to the processing of business rules. With the Client service, it is the calculation logic that is frequently required and with the Vendor service it is the dynamic reporting logic that needs to be accessed separately from the actual report generation.
Currently, due to the increasing amount of concurrent access by service consumers, the runtime performance of both the Client and Vendor services has worsened and has therefore reduced their effectiveness as service composition members. What steps can be taken to solve this problem without introducing new services?
Service A is an entity service with a functional context dedicated to invoice-related processing. Service B is a utility service that provides generic data access to a database. In this service composition architecture, Service Consumer A sends a SOAP message containing an invoice XML document to Service A(1). Service A then sends the invoice XML document to Service B (2), which then writes the invoice document to a database. The data model used by Service Consumer A to represent the invoice document is based on XML Schema A . The service contract of Service A is designed to accept invoice documents based on XML Schema B . The service contract for Service B is designed to accept invoice documents based on XML Schema A . The database to which Service B needs to write the invoice record only accepts entire business documents in Comma Separated Value (CSV) format.
Due to the incompatibility of XML schemas used by the services, the sending of the invoice document from Service Consumer A through to Service B cannot be accomplished using the services as they currently exist. Assuming that the Contract Centralization and Logic Centralization patterns are being applied, what steps can be taken to enable the sending of the invoice document from Service Consumer A to the database without adding logic that will increase the runtime performance of the service composition?
Service A is a utility service that provides generic data access logic to a database that contains data that is periodically replicated from a shared database (1). Because the Standardized Service Contract principle was applied to the design of Service A, its service contract has been fully standardized. Service A is being accessed by three service consumers. Service Consumer A accesses a component that is part of the Service A implementation by invoking it directly (2). Service Consumer B invokes Service A by accessing its service contract (3). Service Consumer C directly accesses the replicated database that is part of the Service A implementation (4).
You've been told that the reason Service Consumers A and C bypass the published Service A service contract is because, for security reasons, they are not allowed to access a subset of the operations in the WSDL definition that expresses the service contract. How can the Service A architecture be changed to enforce these security restrictions while avoiding negative forms of coupling?
Service A is an entity service that provides a Get capability that returns a data value that is frequently changed. Service Consumer A invokes Service A in order to request this data value (1). For Service A to carry out this request, it must invoke Service B (2), a utility service that interacts (3.4) with the database in which the data value is stored, Regardless of whether the data value changed. Service B returns the latest value to Service A (5), and Service A returns the latest value to Service Consumer A (6). The data value is changed when the legacy client program updates the database (7). When this change happens is not predictable. Note also that Service A and Service B are not always available at the same time. Any time the data value changes. Service Consumer A needs to receive it as soon as possible. Therefore, Service Consumer A initiates the message exchange shown in the Figure several times a day. When it receives the same data value as before, the response from Service A is ignored. When Service A provides an updated data value, Service Consumer A can process it to carry out its task.
Because Service A and Service B are not always available at the same times, messages are getting lost and several invocation attempts by Service Consumer A fail. What steps can be taken to solve this problem?
Service Consumer A sends a message to Service A (1), which then forwards the message to Service B (2). Service B forwards the message to Service C (3), which finally forwards the message to Service D (4). Services A, B, and C each contain logic that reads the content of the message and, based on this content, determines which service to forward the message to. As a result, what is shown in the Figure is one of several possible runtime scenarios.
You are told that the current service composition architecture is having performance problems because of two specific reasons. First, too many services need to be explicitly invoked in order for the message to arrive at its destination. Secondly, because each of the intermediary services is required to read the entire message contents in order to determine where to forward the message to, it is taking too long for the overall task to complete. What steps can be taken to solve these problems without sacrificing any of the functionality that currently exists?
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