Prepare for the CIPS Whole Life Asset Management exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
QA4Exam focus on the latest syllabus and exam objectives, our practice Q&A are designed to help you identify key topics and solidify your understanding. By focusing on the core curriculum, These Questions & Answers helps you cover all the essential topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for every section of the exam. Each question comes with a detailed explanation, offering valuable insights and helping you to learn from your mistakes. Whether you're looking to assess your progress or dive deeper into complex topics, our updated Q&A will provide the support you need to confidently approach the CIPS L4M7 exam and achieve success.
A pharmaceutical firm offers a new drug called NC-01. After analysing the market, the firm realises that the demand is largely variable. But they still have to forecast the customer demand for the next production cycle. The new drug NC-01 is best described as which type of item?
Dependent demand is the requirement for stock item which is directly related to and therefore de-pendent upon the rate of production (examples are: raw materials, components, energy)
Independent demand is the requirement for stock item which is not directly related to, and is therefore independent of rate of production. Although independent demand is called thus, it can still be influenced by economic factors external to the demand-supply model such as general consumer sentiment and consumers' available disposal income. However, businesses that need to predict the number of products with independent demand needed to sate their customers have it easier than businesses that must calculate the demand for products with dependent demand because there are fewer factors to consider.
In this scenario, the new drug is finished good which is dependent on the demand of the market, and the firm needs to forecast before initiating the production process. The item is independent from rate of production, therefore, it must be independent demand item.
LO 2, AC 2.1
XYZ Ltd has been adopting MRP system for years. The system helps the company improve effi-ciency greatly and generates huge cost-savings. However, MRP system is only limited to produc-tion process management and XYZ management team would like to have better insights into re-sources required across the organisation as a whole. Which software system would help XYZ management team achieve the above objective?
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is the integrated management of main business processes, often in real time and mediated by software and technology. ERP provides an integrated and con-tinuously updated view of core business processes using common databases maintained by a data-base management system. ERP systems track business resources---cash, raw materials, production capacity---and the status of business commitments: orders, purchase orders, and payroll. The applications that make up the system share data across various departments (manufacturing, purchasing, sales, accounting, etc.) that provide the data. ERP facilitates information flow between all business functions and manages connections to outside stakeholders.
Manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) is defined as a method for the effective planning of all resources of a manufacturing company. Ideally, it addresses operational planning in units, financial planning, and has a simulation capability to answer 'what-if' questions and extension of closed-loop MRP. This is not exclusively a software function, but the management of people skills, requiring a dedication to database accuracy, and sufficient computer resources. It is a total company management concept for using human and company resources more productively.
A master production schedule (MPS) is a plan for individual commodities to be produced in each time period such as production, staffing, inventory, etc. It is usually linked to manufacturing where the plan indicates when and how much of each product will be demanded. This plan quantifies significant processes, parts, and other resources in order to optimize production, to identify bottlenecks, and to anticipate needs and completed goods. Since a MPS drives much factory activity, its accuracy and viability dramatically affect profitability.
Procure-to-pay (P2P) is a term used in the software industry to designate a specific subdivision of the procurement process. The procure-to-pay systems enable the integration of the purchasing department with the accounts payable (AP) department. Some of the largest players of the software industry agree on a common definition of procure-to-pay, linking the procurement process and financial department.
LO 2, AC 2.3
What advantage can the use of ABC classification of stock provide in warehouse design?
A procurement manager has agreed a contract for the acquisition of a piece of capital equipment and has negotiated a staged payment contract of 30% with order, 30% on delivery, and the remaining 40% on acceptance testing. Was this the right thing to do?
SpeedyCar GmbH is a vehicle manufacturer that is launching a new electric vehicle onto the market, replacing a previous diesel vehicle. There is a lot of equipment in the manufacturing site to be changed, some new machinery to replace older machinery, and some production equipment to decommission. The costs of decommissioning would include which of the following?
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