Prepare for the Cisco Administering Cisco Contact Center Enterprise exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
QA4Exam focus on the latest syllabus and exam objectives, our practice Q&A are designed to help you identify key topics and solidify your understanding. By focusing on the core curriculum, These Questions & Answers helps you cover all the essential topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for every section of the exam. Each question comes with a detailed explanation, offering valuable insights and helping you to learn from your mistakes. Whether you're looking to assess your progress or dive deeper into complex topics, our updated Q&A will provide the support you need to confidently approach the Cisco 500-442 exam and achieve success.
What are two parts of a Single Sign-on message flow? {Choose two.)
the Single Sign-on message flow consists of two parts: first, the Identity Service (IdS) detects whether the user has a valid access token, and if not, the Identity Provider (IdP) provides a login page for authenticating the user. Once the user is authenticated, the browser issues a PUT of the Finesse desktop with an access token.
In a Single Sign-on (SSO) message flow for Cisco's contact center solutions, two key parts include: B. IdS (Identity Service) detects the user has a valid access token: When a user attempts to access a service, the Identity Service checks if the user's access token is valid, indicating they are already authenticated. D. IdP (Identity Provider) provides a login page for authenticating the user: If the user does not have a valid access token, the Identity Provider will present a login page where the user can authenticate themselves. Reference: Cisco's documentation on SSO implementation in contact center environments details the SSO message flow, including the roles of Identity Services and Identity Providers in authenticating users.
Which variable remains available to all scripts in the system until reset?
In a contact center, agents must select the Reason Code when they go to the "Not Ready" state. Which configuration by an administrator in Agent Desk Settings allows this action?
Enabling 'Require Idle Reason' in Agent Desk Settings allows this action. When this setting is enabled, agents must select a Reason Code when they change their state to 'Not Ready.' This helps in tracking the specific reasons why agents are not available to take calls, providing valuable insights for workforce management and operational efficiency. Reference: Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise documentation, particularly sections related to Agent Desk Settings and Reason Codes, provides guidelines on configuring these settings to require agents to specify reasons for their 'Not Ready' status.
Which server holds the .wav files on a UCCE environment?
on a UCCE environment, the server that holds the .wav files is the Media Server.
The server that holds the .wav files in a UCCE environment is D. Media Server. The Media Server stores and serves audio files (such as music on hold, IVR prompts, and announcements) used in the contact center. These files are accessed by various components within the UCCE environment, such as the VXML Gateway and CVP, to provide audio content to callers. Reference: Cisco Unified CCE documentation, particularly sections related to media resources and VXML applications, details the role of the Media Server in storing and delivering audio content within the contact center environment.
What are two tools an Agent Desktop Admin Role can access? (Choose two.)
the Agent Desktop Admin Role can access the Script Editor tool and the Config Manager Tools. The Script Editor tool allows agents to customize their scripts, while the Config Manager Tools allow administrators to manage their configuration settings across multiple devices.
An Agent Desktop Admin Role in Cisco's contact center solutions can access the following two tools: C. Reason Code: This tool allows the desktop admin to configure and manage the reason codes that agents can use to indicate their status (e.g., not ready, wrap-up). It's crucial for tracking and managing agent availability and productivity. D. Workflow: This tool enables the desktop admin to define and manage workflows on the agent desktop, which can automate tasks, present specific call-related information, or trigger alerts based on predefined conditions. Reference: Cisco Finesse documentation, which covers agent desktop customization and administration, provides details on the tools and capabilities available to desktop administrators, including reason codes and workflows.
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