Prepare for the Cisco Implementing Cisco Contact Center Enterprise Chat and Email exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
QA4Exam focus on the latest syllabus and exam objectives, our practice Q&A are designed to help you identify key topics and solidify your understanding. By focusing on the core curriculum, These Questions & Answers helps you cover all the essential topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for every section of the exam. Each question comes with a detailed explanation, offering valuable insights and helping you to learn from your mistakes. Whether you're looking to assess your progress or dive deeper into complex topics, our updated Q&A will provide the support you need to confidently approach the Cisco 500-445 exam and achieve success.
Which two items in UCCE need to be installed and available for use before installing Enterprise Chat and Email? (Choose two.)
ICM router, logger, and admin workstation are components of Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (UCCE) that must be installed and available before Enterprise Chat and Email can be installed. CTI server is also a required component of UCCE and must be installed and available before Enterprise Chat and Email can be installed.
Enterprise Chat and Email (ECE) is a Cisco product that allows customers to communicate with a business through various channels such as chat, email, social media, and other digital channels.
Before installing Enterprise Chat and Email, two items in UCCE need to be installed and available for use:
2. ICM router, logger, admin workstation: ICM (Intelligent Contact Manager) is a Cisco product that routes and manages customer interactions across multiple channels such as voice, email, chat, and social media. ICM router, logger, and admin workstation are the components of ICM that are required for Enterprise Chat and Email to function properly.
3. CTI server: CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) server is a component of UCCE that integrates telephony and computer systems to provide advanced call control and call management functionality. The CTI server is responsible for integrating the Enterprise Chat and Email with the phone system.
What is the default frequency value of ECE Monitors notification?
The default frequency value of the Enterprise Chat and Email (ECE) Monitors notification is 60 seconds. This notification is used to notify the user of any changes in the status of their chat sessions, such as when a customer starts a chat, or when a customer ends a chat session.
What are two considerations when installing Web Servers? (Choose two.)
1. The web server can be installed outside the firewall, as long as it has access to the necessary ports to communicate with the application server and other components of the system. B. Installing web server components on a separate VM can help to improve security and performance by isolating the web server from the rest of the system.
What is the maximum permissible one-way network delay between Unified CCE servers and ECE servers?
The maximum permissible one-way network delay between Unified CCE (Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise) servers and Enterprise Chat and Email (ECE) servers is 240 milliseconds. This delay is necessary for the servers to communicate with each other without any latency issues.
What are two required configurations when setting up user accounts and permissions? (Choose two.)
When setting up user accounts and permissions, it is necessary to configure all the servers to use the same domain account in order to install the software. Additionally, the ECE web server can be installed in a DMZ and can have a different domain account from the rest of the servers.
When setting up user accounts and permissions, it is important to ensure that all servers are using the same domain account to install the software. This will ensure that all servers have the same level of access and permissions, and that the installation process goes smoothly. Additionally, if the ECE web server is installed in DMZ, it can have a different domain account, which would be more secure.
You can find more information on user accounts and permissions, including best practices for setting them up, in the Avaya Aura Experience Portal Administrator Guide and Avaya Aura Contact Center Administrator Guide.
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