Prepare for the CWNP Certified Wireless Analysis Professional Exam exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
QA4Exam focus on the latest syllabus and exam objectives, our practice Q&A are designed to help you identify key topics and solidify your understanding. By focusing on the core curriculum, These Questions & Answers helps you cover all the essential topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for every section of the exam. Each question comes with a detailed explanation, offering valuable insights and helping you to learn from your mistakes. Whether you're looking to assess your progress or dive deeper into complex topics, our updated Q&A will provide the support you need to confidently approach the CWNP CWAP-404 exam and achieve success.
Which one of the following should be the first step when troubleshooting a WLAN issue?
CWAP-403 Study Guide, Chapter 1: Troubleshooting Methodology, page 7
CWAP-403 Objectives, Section 1.1: Define the problem
Prior to a retransmission what happens to the CWmax value?
Before a retransmission, the CWmax (Contention Window maximum) value doubles and increases by 1. The CWmax is a parameter that determines the upper limit of the random backoff time that a STA (station) has to wait before attempting to access the medium. The random backoff time is chosen from a range of values between CWmin (Contention Window minimum) and CWmax. The CWmin and CWmax values depend on the AC (Access Category) of the traffic and the PHY type of the STA. If a transmission fails due to a collision or an error, the STA has to retransmit the frame after waiting for another random backoff time. However, to reduce the probability of another collision, the STA increases its CWmax value by doubling it and adding 1. This increases the range of possible backoff values and spreads out the STAs more evenly. The STA resets its CWmax value to its original value after a successful transmission or after reaching a predefined limit.Reference:[Wireless Analysis Professional Study Guide CWAP-404], Chapter 7: QoS Analysis, page 196-197
Given: The Frame Check Sequence (FCS) is a 32 CRC used for error detection.
The CRC is calculated over what?
The CRC is calculated over the MAC Header and Frame Body only. The CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) is a 32-bit value that is used for error detection in wireless transmissions. The CRC is calculated over the MAC Header and Frame Body of a PSDU, which are the parts of the data unit that contain information such as source and destination addresses, frame type, frame control, sequence number, payload, etc. The CRC is appended to the end of the PSDU as a FCS (Frame Check Sequence) field. The CRC is not calculated over the PHY Header or PHY Preamble, which are parts of the PPDU that contain information such as modulation, coding, data rate, etc. The PHY Header and PHY Preamble are added or removed by the PHY layer during the conversion between PSDU and PPDU.Reference:[Wireless Analysis Professional Study Guide CWAP-404], Chapter 4: 802.11 Physical Layer, page 97-98
Which common feature of a Spectrum Analyzer would be the best to help you locate a non-802.11 interference source?
The device finder is a common feature of a spectrum analyzer that helps locate a non-802.11 interference source. The device finder uses a directional antenna to measure the signal strength of a specific frequency or signal source. By pointing the antenna in different directions, the device finder can indicate the direction and distance of the interference source. The device finder can also filter out other signals that are not related to the interference source. The other options are not correct, as they do not help locate a non-802.11 interference source. Max hold and min hold are features that show the maximum and minimum RF power levels over time, respectively. Location filter is a feature that filters out signals that are not from a specific location or area.Reference:[Wireless Analysis Professional Study Guide CWAP-404], Chapter 3: Spectrum Analysis, page 77-78
What is the function of the PHY Preamble?
The function of the PHY preamble is to allow the receiver to detect and synchronize with the signal. The PHY preamble is a part of the PPDU that is transmitted before the PHY header and the PSDU. The PHY preamble consists of a series of training fields that help the receiver to adjust its parameters, such as frequency, timing, and gain, to match the incoming signal. The PHY preamble also helps the receiver to estimate the channel conditions and noise level.Reference:[Wireless Analysis Professional Study Guide CWAP-404], Chapter 4: 802.11 Physical Layer, page 99-100
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