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QA4Exam FAQs

General Questions

All the products and all the demos on QA4Exam are in two formats PDF version and Online Practice Test which designed exactly according to the real exam questions and answers. We have free demos for almost all of our products and you can try our demos before buying.

All the latest Q&As are created directly correspond to the real questions and answers by professionals and ensured by experts to guarantee the accuracy. If you understand the knowledge points provided in our Q&As, you can pass the exam easily.

Certainly! We are 100% confident about the quality of products. Just make sure that you study the Q&A of respective Exam for two weeks before you appear in the actual Exam. Our money back guarantee reflects this confidence of ours in our products.

You can enjoy 90 days free update after your purchase.

Guarantee, Support & Updates

All the products are updated frequently but not on a fixed date. Our professional team pays a great attention to the exam updates and they always upgrade the content accordingly.

The free update offer is only valid for 90 days after you've purchased the products. If you still want to update your questions after 90 days, purchase your required exam again and you can get the new one with 40% discounts.

We provide free updates to all customers for 90 days. During this period you can "log in" to your account on our site and you will find the updated product there.

Why waste time on questions that are out-dated? During the Product Updates the older questions that no longer form the part of real Exam are removed and that is why Product might be left with lesser number of questions. This actually means that you have to study fewer questions and pass with higher scores.

Payments & Product Downloads

We accept payments via all major Credit/Debit cards.

Please make sure that you are filling in all the Fields correctly. You may try using an alternate Payment Method for this purchase. Please contact Live Chat Support or e-mail for assistance.

If the payment was successful and you have received the confirmation e-mail from our team, then you can download the Product right away from your member area.

Login to your account at and you will see your order number and the download button. You can then download purchased product without delay.

Website Security

Our site uses enhanced security protocols by McAfee and SSL 64-Bit and is checked 24/7 for consistency. Hence you need not to worry about site security. We make it 100% sure that your information is secure at our website.

No, none can. Our system is 100% secure and we do not share any information with third parties at any cost.

Miscellaneous Questions

In rare circumstances you see any error or mistake in our products - we will appreciate your cooperation if you send a “screen shot” of the error. We will remove the error as soon as possible and provide you the updated product.

Special Discount is offered on Value Packs or Bundles available for popular Exams. If you want to buy three or more products please contact a Team member for discounts available on Total Invoice.

If you fail the exam at the first attempt then you can claim refund or swap exam for any two products of your Choice. Please view our Guarantee page for more details. You can simply send original fail report in PDF format to and our Team will assist you in short time.