Prepare for the IBM API Connect v10.0.3 Solution Implementation exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
QA4Exam focus on the latest syllabus and exam objectives, our practice Q&A are designed to help you identify key topics and solidify your understanding. By focusing on the core curriculum, These Questions & Answers helps you cover all the essential topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for every section of the exam. Each question comes with a detailed explanation, offering valuable insights and helping you to learn from your mistakes. Whether you're looking to assess your progress or dive deeper into complex topics, our updated Q&A will provide the support you need to confidently approach the IBM C1000-138 exam and achieve success.
Which API Event Record field indicates N/A when a client ID is not used or is invalid on the API?
In IBM API Connect v10.0.3, the product_name field in the API Event Record will indicate 'N/A' if a client ID is not used or is invalid on the API. This field typically shows the name of the API product associated with the request, but if no valid client ID is present, it cannot associate the request with a product, resulting in 'N/A.'
Other options are incorrect:
api_id would display the API identifier.
log_policy relates to the logging policy and would not be 'N/A' due to an invalid client ID.
org_id refers to the organization ID and is unrelated to client ID validity.
IBM API Connect v10.0.3 Documentation: API Event Record Fields
The security team will allow OIDC to be used for Portal access.
Which two OIDC provider types are available out of the box?
In IBM API Connect v10.0.3, OpenID Connect (OIDC) is a widely used authentication mechanism that allows clients to verify the identity of users based on the authentication performed by an authorization server. API Connect supports various OIDC providers for portal access to integrate with third-party identity providers. Out of the box, API Connect v10.0.3 comes with support for Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and IBM Cloud as pre-configured OIDC providers.
Azure AD is one of the most commonly used OIDC providers, especially in enterprise environments using Microsoft's cloud services.
IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) also provides built-in OIDC support within the IBM ecosystem, making it a natural integration point for users of IBM Cloud services.
These built-in integrations simplify the configuration and management of OIDC providers without requiring additional custom configuration.
How can a Consumer organization's ownership be transferred?
Navigation Pane: To transfer the ownership of a Consumer organization, navigate to the API Manager UI.
Consumers Tab: Click on the Consumers tab to view the list of Consumer organizations.
Options Icon: Find the Consumer organization you want to transfer ownership of and click the options icon (three dots) next to it.
Transfer Option: Select the ''Transfer'' option from the dropdown menu.
Select New Owner: Choose the user who will be the new owner from the list of available users.
Confirmation: Click ''Confirm'' to finalize the transfer of ownership.
1:IBM Certified Solution Implementer - API Connect v10.0.3 Documentation
Which statement is true when adding extra DataPower enforcement capabilities to a Gateway service?
When adding extra DataPower enforcement capabilities to a Gateway service in API Connect, you can upload multiple Gateway extension .zip files to the same Gateway service. This allows you to customize the Gateway's behavior and add specific enforcement capabilities as needed.
IBM API Connect: Configuring DataPower Enforcement Capabilities
IBM API Connect: Gateway Extensions
A developer would like to run the step debugger on the Gatewayscript policy that is part of the Assembly.
What would allow step debugging on the Gatewayscript?
To enable step debugging on a GatewayScript policy in IBM API Connect v10.0.3, a developer must add a debugger; statement within the GatewayScript code. This statement serves as a breakpoint that will pause execution, allowing the developer to step through the code to identify and resolve issues.
Other options are incorrect:
Option B and D ('Enable step debug in the Test tab' and 'Enable debug checkbox in Assemble') do not enable the step debugger in GatewayScript.
Option C ('Click the Trace in the Test tab') allows tracing but not step debugging.
IBM API Connect v10.0.3 Documentation: Debugging GatewayScript Policies
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