Prepare for the IIBA Certified Business Analysis Professional exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
QA4Exam focus on the latest syllabus and exam objectives, our practice Q&A are designed to help you identify key topics and solidify your understanding. By focusing on the core curriculum, These Questions & Answers helps you cover all the essential topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for every section of the exam. Each question comes with a detailed explanation, offering valuable insights and helping you to learn from your mistakes. Whether you're looking to assess your progress or dive deeper into complex topics, our updated Q&A will provide the support you need to confidently approach the IIBA CBAP exam and achieve success.
What type of requirements elicitation technique is the Delphi Technique?
A business analyst (BA) is working on improving solution performance and increasing value. The BA discovers that a set of interfaces and activities do not contribute to the final product either directly or indirectly What should the BA recommend?
A business analyst (BA) is assessing tie different solution proposals. What type of financial calculation would the BA use to determine which solution is worth investing in based on its breakeven point?
A business analyst (BA) is working on a payment system (PS) implementation. A set of systems which should interact with a new system has been identified. The business analyst defined that a user with role of "Supervisor" in the PS must pass a two-factor authentication before an execution of the functions: "Change system parameters" and "Set up new supervisor." A user must have the role of "Supervisor" to use the standard functions "Send mail notification" or "Send SMS notification".
The BA defined the following use cases:
* "Change system parameters"
* "Setup new supervisor"
* "Send mail notification"
* "Send SMS notification"
* "Send notification"
* "Pass a two-factor authentication"
The BA wants to create a Use Case diagram.
Which standard relationship should be defined between "Setup new supervisor" and "Send notification?
Management has asked you, a business analyst for your organization, to create the solution scope for an identified problem. In order to complete this task, you'll need three elements.
All of the following are elements you'll need in order to write the solution scope except for which one?
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