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iSQI CT-AI Exam Actual Questions

The questions for CT-AI were last updated on Jul 3, 2024.
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Question No. 1

Which ONE of the following statements correctly describes the importance of flexibility for Al systems?


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Correct Answer: C

Flexibility in AI systems is crucial for various reasons, particularly because it allows for easier modification and adaptation of the system as a whole.

AI systems are inherently flexible (A): This statement is not correct. While some AI systems may be designed to be flexible, they are not inherently flexible by nature. Flexibility depends on the system's design and implementation.

AI systems require changing operational environments; therefore, flexibility is required (B): While it's true that AI systems may need to operate in changing environments, this statement does not directly address the importance of flexibility for the modification of the system.

Flexible AI systems allow for easier modification of the system as a whole (C): This statement correctly describes the importance of flexibility. Being able to modify AI systems easily is critical for their maintenance, adaptation to new requirements, and improvement.

Self-learning systems are expected to deal with new situations without explicitly having to program for it (D): This statement relates to the adaptability of self-learning systems rather than their overall flexibility for modification.

Hence, the correct answer is C. Flexible AI systems allow for easier modification of the system as a whole.

ISTQB CT-AI Syllabus Section 2.1 on Flexibility and Adaptability discusses the importance of flexibility in AI systems and how it enables easier modification and adaptability to new situations.

Sample Exam Questions document, Question #30 highlights the importance of flexibility in AI systems.

Question No. 2

Which ONE of the following options is the MOST APPROPRIATE stage of the ML workflow to set model and algorithm hyperparameters?


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Correct Answer: C

Setting model and algorithm hyperparameters is an essential step in the machine learning workflow, primarily occurring during the tuning phase.

Evaluating the model (A): This stage involves assessing the model's performance using metrics and does not typically include the setting of hyperparameters.

Deploying the model (B): Deployment is the stage where the model is put into production and used in real-world applications. Hyperparameters should already be set before this stage.

Tuning the model (C): This is the correct stage where hyperparameters are set. Tuning involves adjusting the hyperparameters to optimize the model's performance.

Data testing (D): Data testing involves ensuring the quality and integrity of the data used for training and testing the model. It does not include setting hyperparameters.

Hence, the most appropriate stage of the ML workflow to set model and algorithm hyperparameters is C. Tuning the model.

ISTQB CT-AI Syllabus Section 3.2 on the ML Workflow outlines the different stages of the ML process, including the tuning phase where hyperparameters are set.

Sample Exam Questions document, Question #31 specifically addresses the stage in the ML workflow where hyperparameters are configured.

Question No. 3

Which ONE of the following tests is MOST likely to describe a useful test to help detect different kinds of biases in ML pipeline?


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Correct Answer: B

Detecting biases in the ML pipeline involves various tests to ensure fairness and accuracy throughout the ML process.

Testing the distribution shift in the training data for inappropriate bias (A): This involves checking if there is any shift in the data distribution that could lead to bias in the model. It is an important test but not the most direct method for detecting biases.

Test the model during model evaluation for data bias (B): This is a critical stage where the model is evaluated to detect any biases in the data it was trained on. It directly addresses potential data biases in the model.

Testing the data pipeline for any sources for algorithmic bias (C): This test is crucial as it helps identify biases that may originate from the data processing and transformation stages within the pipeline. Detecting sources of algorithmic bias ensures that the model does not inherit biases from these processes.

Check the input test data for potential sample bias (D): While this is an important step, it focuses more on the input data and less on the overall data pipeline.

Hence, the most likely useful test to help detect different kinds of biases in the ML pipeline is B. Test the model during model evaluation for data bias.

ISTQB CT-AI Syllabus Section 8.3 on Testing for Algorithmic, Sample, and Inappropriate Bias discusses various tests that can be performed to detect biases at different stages of the ML pipeline.

Sample Exam Questions document, Question #32 highlights the importance of evaluating the model for biases.

Question No. 4

Which ONE of the following models BEST describes a way to model defect prediction by looking at the history of bugs in modules by using code quality metrics of modules of historical versions as input?


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Correct Answer: D

Defect prediction models aim to identify parts of the software that are likely to contain defects by analyzing historical data and code quality metrics. The primary goal is to use this predictive information to allocate testing and maintenance resources effectively. Let's break down why option D is the correct choice:

Understanding Classification Models:

Classification models are a type of supervised learning algorithm used to categorize or classify data into predefined classes or labels. In the context of defect prediction, the classification model would classify parts of the code as either 'defective' or 'non-defective' based on the input features.

Input Data - Code Quality Metrics:

The input data for these classification models typically includes various code quality metrics such as cyclomatic complexity, lines of code, number of methods, depth of inheritance, coupling between objects, etc. These metrics help the model learn patterns associated with defects.

Historical Data:

Historical versions of the code along with their defect records provide the labeled data needed for training the classification model. By analyzing this historical data, the model can learn which metrics are indicative of defects.

Why Option D is Correct:

Option D specifies using a classification model to predict the presence of defects by using code quality metrics as input data. This accurately describes the process of defect prediction using historical bug data and quality metrics.

Eliminating Other Options:

A . Identifying the relationship between developers and the modules developed by them: This does not directly involve predicting defects based on code quality metrics and historical data.

B . Search of similar code based on natural language processing: While useful for other purposes, this method does not describe defect prediction using classification models and code metrics.

C . Clustering of similar code modules to predict based on similarity: Clustering is an unsupervised learning technique and does not directly align with the supervised learning approach typically used in defect prediction models.

ISTQB CT-AI Syllabus, Section 9.5, Metamorphic Testing (MT), describes various testing techniques including classification models for defect prediction.

'Using AI for Defect Prediction' (ISTQB CT-AI Syllabus, Section 11.5.1).

Question No. 5

Which ONE of the following options describes a scenario of A/B testing the LEAST?


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Correct Answer: C

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method used to compare two versions of a product or system to determine which one performs better. It is widely used in web development, marketing, and machine learning to optimize user experiences and model performance. Here's why option C is the least descriptive of an A/B testing scenario:

Understanding A/B Testing:

In A/B testing, two versions (A and B) of a system or feature are tested against each other. The objective is to measure which version performs better based on predefined metrics such as user engagement, conversion rates, or other performance indicators.

Application in Machine Learning:

In ML systems, A/B testing might involve comparing two different models, algorithms, or system configurations on the same set of data to observe which yields better results.

Why Option C is the Least Descriptive:

Option C describes comparing the performance of an ML system on two different input datasets. This scenario focuses on the input data variation rather than the comparison of system versions or features, which is the essence of A/B testing. A/B testing typically involves a controlled experiment with two versions being tested under the same conditions, not different datasets.

Clarifying the Other Options:

A . A comparison of two different websites for the same company to observe from a user acceptance perspective: This is a classic example of A/B testing where two versions of a website are compared.

B . A comparison of two different offers in a recommendation system to decide on the more effective offer for the same users: This is another example of A/B testing in a recommendation system.

D . A comparison of the performance of two different ML implementations on the same input data: This fits the A/B testing model where two implementations are compared under the same conditions.

ISTQB CT-AI Syllabus, Section 9.4, A/B Testing, explains the methodology and application of A/B testing in various contexts.

'Understanding A/B Testing' (ISTQB CT-AI Syllabus).

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