Prepare for the Juniper Mist AI, Associate exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
QA4Exam focus on the latest syllabus and exam objectives, our practice Q&A are designed to help you identify key topics and solidify your understanding. By focusing on the core curriculum, These Questions & Answers helps you cover all the essential topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for every section of the exam. Each question comes with a detailed explanation, offering valuable insights and helping you to learn from your mistakes. Whether you're looking to assess your progress or dive deeper into complex topics, our updated Q&A will provide the support you need to confidently approach the Juniper JN0-252 exam and achieve success.
You are asked to configure Mist lo send e-mail alerts lo your organization administrators, who all have mailboxes that reside on the same e-mail server. Alerts are being generated and are visible in the Mist GUI. but only some administrators are receiving the alert emails.
What Is the problem in this scenario?
Identify the Problem: Alerts are being generated and visible in the Mist GUI, but only some administrators receive the alert emails.
Possible Issues:
User email addresses not correctly formatted.
Email server blocking Mist emails.
Insufficient alert subscriptions.
Administrators not enabling email notifications.
Root Cause:
Since some administrators receive the alerts, email formatting and server blocking issues can be ruled out.
If alert subscriptions were insufficient, no administrators would receive the alerts.
The most likely cause is that the affected administrators have not enabled email notifications in their Mist My Account settings.
Ensure that all administrators have enabled email notifications in their Mist My Account settings.
Mist Documentation on Notifications: Mist Documentation
Which two statements correctly describe Mist claim codes and activation codes? (Choose Two.)
Claim Codes: Claim codes are unique to each AP and can be used to claim only one AP at a time. This ensures each device is correctly registered and managed individually within the Mist system.
Activation Codes: Activation codes can be used to claim multiple APs at once, facilitating bulk onboarding and simplifying the setup process for large deployments.
Juniper Mist Claim and Activation Codes
Mist Setup Guide
Which statement describes Marvis Actions?
Marvis Actions is a component of the Mist AI platform that provides a dashboard highlighting actionable items. This dashboard is designed to offer insights and recommendations based on the analysis performed by Marvis AI.
The focus of Marvis Actions is to present users with clear, actionable steps that can improve network performance, resolve issues, and enhance the overall user experience.
By consolidating relevant information and suggested actions, Marvis Actions helps network administrators efficiently address network challenges and optimize operations.
Reference: Juniper Networks documentation on Marvis Actions and its role within the Mist AI ecosystem.
Which language Is used to execute Marvis queries in the Mist Ul?
Understanding Marvis Queries:
Marvis is the AI-driven virtual network assistant in Mist that helps with queries and troubleshooting.
Language Used for Queries:
Natural Language: Marvis is designed to understand and respond to natural language queries, making it user-friendly.
Python, C++, SQL: These are programming and query languages not used directly for Marvis queries.
The correct answer is A (Natural Language).
Mist Documentation on Marvis: Mist Documentation
Which two configuration levels are WLAN objects created? (Choose two.)
Site Level: WLAN objects can be created at the site level, allowing specific configurations for different locations within an organization. This helps in customizing WLAN settings based on the unique requirements of each site.
Org Level: WLAN objects can also be created at the organization level, which provides a standardized configuration that can be applied across multiple sites. This ensures consistency in WLAN settings throughout the entire organization.
Juniper Mist WLAN Configuration Guide
Site and Org Level Configration.
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