Prepare for the LPIC-3: Mixed Environments - Exam 300 - version 3.0 exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
QA4Exam focus on the latest syllabus and exam objectives, our practice Q&A are designed to help you identify key topics and solidify your understanding. By focusing on the core curriculum, These Questions & Answers helps you cover all the essential topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for every section of the exam. Each question comes with a detailed explanation, offering valuable insights and helping you to learn from your mistakes. Whether you're looking to assess your progress or dive deeper into complex topics, our updated Q&A will provide the support you need to confidently approach the LPI 300-300 exam and achieve success.
Given a proper network and name resolution setup, which of the following commands establishes a trust between a FreeIPA domain and an Active Directory domain?
To establish a trust between a FreeIPA domain and an Active Directory domain, the correct command is ipa trust-add. This command is used to add a trust relationship with an Active Directory (AD) domain. The --type ad specifies the type of the trust, addom is the domain name, --admin Administrator specifies the AD administrator account, and --password prompts for the administrator's password.
The complete command looks like this:
a trust-add --type ad addom --admin Administrator --password
This command will initiate the trust creation process, which involves providing the credentials of the AD administrator.
FreeIPA Trusts
FreeIPA Trust Management
What service name must be added to a database entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf to include SSSD as a source of information? (Specify ONLY the service name without any parameters.)
Adding SSSD to /etc/nsswitch.conf:
To include SSSD (System Security Services Daemon) as a source of information in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file, the service name sss must be added. This is specified without any parameters. The sss service allows the system to retrieve information from various sources, such as LDAP, Kerberos, and others, as configured in SSSD.
SSSD documentation
nsswitch.conf configuration guidelines
What is a correct statement about FreeIPA ID views?
In FreeIPA, ID views allow administrators to override default POSIX attributes for users and groups. This feature is useful when integrating with other identity management systems, enabling specific attribute values to be used on a per-host basis. This way, different POSIX attributes can be set for the same user or group in different contexts.
FreeIPA: ID Views
FreeIPA Documentation
What option in sms.conf defines where the data of a file share is stored? (Specify ONLY the option name without any values.)
path Option: This parameter in smb.conf specifies the directory on the server where the shared data is stored.
Usage: Within a share definition, the path option points to the actual location on the filesystem that Samba will share.
Example Configuration:
[example_share] path = /srv/samba/share
Importance: Defining the correct path is crucial for ensuring that the share points to the intended directory with the appropriate data and permissions.
Samba smb.conf man page
Which of the following commands terminates all running instances of the Samba daemon handling for SMB shares?
Samba is a suite of programs that allows SMB/CIFS clients to interact with file and print services on a Linux/UNIX server.
smbd is the Samba daemon responsible for handling SMB/CIFS requests.
The smbcontrol utility is used to send messages to running Samba daemons.
The correct way to terminate all running instances of the Samba daemon handling SMB shares is to send a shutdown message to smbd using the command smbcontrol smbd shutdown.
This command ensures that only the smbd processes, which are responsible for handling SMB shares, are terminated without affecting other Samba components like nmbd (NetBIOS name server daemon).
Samba documentation:
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