Prepare for the Netskope Certified Cloud Security Integrator exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
QA4Exam focus on the latest syllabus and exam objectives, our practice Q&A are designed to help you identify key topics and solidify your understanding. By focusing on the core curriculum, These Questions & Answers helps you cover all the essential topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for every section of the exam. Each question comes with a detailed explanation, offering valuable insights and helping you to learn from your mistakes. Whether you're looking to assess your progress or dive deeper into complex topics, our updated Q&A will provide the support you need to confidently approach the Netskope NSK200 exam and achieve success.
You use Netskope to provide a default Malware Scan profile for use with your malware policies. Also, you want to create a custom malware detection profile.
In this scenario, what are two additional requirements to complete this task? (Choose two.)
To create a custom malware detection profile, adding a quarantine profile ensures that detected threats are appropriately isolated. Additionally, a custom hash list as a blocklist allows you to block specific known malware hashes, further enhancing the customization of the malware detection profile.
Your company is using on-premises QRadar as a SIEM solution. They are replacing it with Rapid7 in the cloud. The legacy on-premises QRadar will eventually be decommissioned. Your IT department does not want to use the same token that QRadar uses.
Netskope REST API v2 supports multiple tokens, allowing different applications or integrations (like QRadar and Rapid7) to have distinct tokens. This avoids token conflicts and enhances security by isolating access permissions for different SIEM systems.
Your company has many users that are remote and travel often. You want to provide the greatest visibility into their activities, even while traveling.
Using Netskope, which deployment method would be used in this scenario?
Deploying the Netskope client on remote and traveling users' devices provides the highest level of visibility into their activities regardless of their location. The Netskope client can steer traffic securely to the Netskope Security Cloud, offering consistent monitoring and protection.
Review the exhibit.
You are troubleshooting a Netskope client for user Clarke which remains in a disabled state after being installed. After looking at various logs, you notice something which might explain the problem. The exhibit is an excerpt from the nsADImporterLog.log.
Referring to the exhibit, what is the problem?
The problem is B. The Active Directory user is not synchronized to the Netskope tenant. This is evident from the log message ''WARNING No mail ID for the user: Clarke, Daxmeifield, DC=local, skipping use''. This means that the user Clarke does not have a valid email address in the Active Directory, which is required for the Netskope client to work. The Netskope client uses the email address of the user to authenticate and enable the client. Therefore, option B is correct and the other options are incorrect.
You have created a specific Skope IT application events query and want to have the query automatically run and display the results every time you log into your tenant.
Which two statements are correct in this scenario? (Choose two.)
Adding a Skope IT query to a custom watchlist allows the query to be saved and easily accessed. Saving the watchlist and managing filters also lets you customize it further and share it with others in your organization if needed.
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