Prepare for the Nokia NSP IP Network Automation Professional Composite Exam exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
QA4Exam focus on the latest syllabus and exam objectives, our practice Q&A are designed to help you identify key topics and solidify your understanding. By focusing on the core curriculum, These Questions & Answers helps you cover all the essential topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for every section of the exam. Each question comes with a detailed explanation, offering valuable insights and helping you to learn from your mistakes. Whether you're looking to assess your progress or dive deeper into complex topics, our updated Q&A will provide the support you need to confidently approach the Nokia 4A0-AI1 exam and achieve success.
Which of the following statements about the NSP Workflow Manager (WFM) application is FALSE?
The NSP Workflow Manager (WFM) application allows network management tasks to be automated by creating workflows. Multiple workflows can be run in parallel, and actions and expressions are extensible using Python. Additionally, a workflow action can run against RESTCONF APIs.
According to the NSP Release 19.11 Workflow Manager Application Help1,Workflow Manager (WFM)is an application that allows network management tasks to be automated using Nokia NSP or third-party APIs1.WFM supports a variety of use cases such as node software upgrades, service activation tests, service fulfillment and mass migration of services12.WFM uses actions and expressions that are extensible using Python1.A workflow action can run against RESTCONF APIs as well as other protocols such as SNMP, NETCONF and CLI1.
Which Workflow state allows a Workflow to be executed?
According to the Workflow Manager User Guide from Nokia, the correct answer is C. Published. When a workflow is in the Published state, it can be executed by users who have the appropriate permissions. The Draft state is used during the creation of a new workflow, while the Deprecated state indicates that a workflow is no longer supported and should not be used. The Released state is not mentioned in the context of workflow execution.
Which of the following best describes an ad-hoc action?
Ad-hoc actions are wrappers around existing system actions that allow for more flexibility in terms of what can be done. They are not default actions provided by Workflow Manager, nor are they special actions for NSP applications. Ad-hoc actions can be used by multiple workflows.
Which of the following is NOT an Intent Type life-cycle state?
Intent Types have four life-cycle states: Draft, Released, Phased-Out, and Deleted. The Created state is not a life-cycle state for Intent Types; instead, it is an intermediate state used to create an Intent before it is moved to a life-cycle state.
Which of the following is NOT a building block of NSP automation?
Terminal emulation configuration is not one of the building blocks of NSP automation. The building blocks of NSP automation are Model-driven mediation, Analytics & telemetry, Multi-vendor support and Automation scripting. Model-driven mediation enables the automation of common tasks across multiple vendors and devices, and analytics & telemetry enables the gathering of critical data to ensure service quality. Multi-vendor support enables the automation of tasks across multiple vendors, and automation scripting enables the development of robust and secure automation scripts.
NSP automation is based on four key building blocks:
Model-driven mediation: This enables NSP to communicate with various network devices and protocols using a common data model and abstraction layer.It supports YANG models, NETCONF, RESTCONF, SNMP, TL1 and CLI2.
Analytics & telemetry: This enables NSP to collect and analyze network data using streaming telemetry, SNMP polling, syslog and other methods.It supports various analytics applications such as Network Insight, Service Assurance and Traffic Engineering2.
Multi-vendor support: This enables NSP to manage and automate networks that consist of devices from different vendors and technologies.It supports Nokia SROS devices as well as third-party routers, switches and optical equipment3.
Programmable APIs: This enables NSP to expose its functionality and data to external applications or systems using RESTful APIs.It supports various use cases such as network supervision, service fulfillment, fault management and workflow management2.
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