Prepare for the Nutanix Certified Professional - Cloud Integration - AWS v6.7 exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
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An administrator has been tasked with deploying an NC2 cluster on AWS with the requirement to protect workloads. Which two options are valid to protect the workloads on this cluster? (Choose two.)
To protect workloads on an NC2 cluster on AWS, deploying strategies that ensure high availability and disaster recovery are essential. The two valid options are:
Create a Second NC2 Cluster in a Different Availability Zone:
High Availability: Deploying a second NC2 cluster in a different availability zone ensures that workloads can be quickly recovered in case of an availability zone failure.
Disaster Recovery: This setup enables asynchronous replication between clusters, providing a robust disaster recovery solution.
Use an Existing On-Prem Nutanix Cluster as a Disaster Recovery Target:
Hybrid DR: Leveraging an existing on-premises Nutanix cluster for disaster recovery provides a cost-effective and efficient DR solution.
Replication: Set up replication policies to ensure data is consistently copied from the NC2 cluster on AWS to the on-premises cluster.
Why Not Other Options:
One-node cluster in another availability zone: Not a valid DR solution as a single-node cluster cannot provide the required resilience and high availability.
Deploy a cluster across two availability zones: While this can enhance availability, it is not a typical approach for Nutanix clusters which are designed to operate within a single availability zone for simplicity and performance reasons.
Nutanix Cloud Clusters on AWS Administration Guide
Nutanix Disaster Recovery Best Practices
AWS Availability Zones and Disaster Recovery Documentation
An administrator has deployed an NC2 cluster in AWS.
The following configuration decisions were made:
Created a new VPC from the NC2 console as part of the deployment
Selected the Public option for prism access policy
Host type selected was i13en,metal
The administrator now has a goal of provision public internet access to a user VM (UVM),web-1, on the Nutanix cluster. The admin can access Prism Element via the public DNS of the Auto-created load balancer.
The administrator tries to create another network load balancer for the web server access. After creating the load balancer and registering web-1's IP address as a target, the administrator finds that the health check for the VM target is failing and the DNS returns as NOT Found message in the browser.
Why is the issue happening?
For a VM to be accessible over the internet through a load balancer, the VM itself must have a public IP address.
In this case, the health check for the VM target is failing and the DNS returns a 'NOT Found' message because web-1 does not have a public IP assigned.
Without a public IP, the load balancer cannot route traffic to web-1 from the internet.
Assigning a public IP to web-1 ensures that the VM can be accessed via the load balancer, resolving the connectivity issue.
Reference: Refer to the AWS documentation on network load balancers and public IP assignments, and Nutanix documentation on VM network configurations.
An administrator is planning an NC2 deployment and wants to connect to AWS Services privately from the corporate VPC without going through the public internet.
Which connectivity solution should the administrator use?
Gateway Endpoint:
A Gateway Endpoint in AWS allows you to connect to supported AWS services privately without going through the public internet. This setup provides secure and efficient connectivity directly from the corporate VPC to the required AWS services.
Gateway Endpoints support services such as Amazon S3 and DynamoDB and are ideal for scenarios where private connectivity to these services is needed.
Reference: Refer to the AWS documentation on VPC endpoints, specifically Gateway Endpoints, and the Nutanix documentation on configuring private connectivity for NC2 deployments.
An administrator planned to create a new NC2 cluster and chose the existing AWS VPC infrastructure in the workflow. The administrator need two private subnets to complete the configuration.
What are these two private subnets used for..
The requirement for two private subnets in the NC2 cluster configuration workflow serves the same purposes:
One subnet is designated for user VMs, ensuring user workloads are separated from management operations.
The other subnet is designated for cluster management, maintaining the integrity and security of management processes and internal communications.
An administrator has created an NC2 cluster on AWS, but the NC2 console has issued this alert:
Which two scenarios could have resulted in the cluster creation failure? (Choose two.)
The error message in the image indicates that the cluster creation failed due to reaching the maximum retries for provisioning cluster nodes. Here are two possible scenarios that could lead to this issue:
Insufficient Permissions (Answer B):
If the AWS user or role used to create the cluster does not have sufficient permissions, it can result in failures during the provisioning process. Proper IAM policies must be attached to ensure that the necessary actions can be performed, such as launching instances, creating VPCs, or managing networking components.
AWS Quota Exceeded/Instance Limit Exceeded (Answer D):
AWS imposes quotas and limits on the number of instances and other resources that can be created within an account. If these quotas are exceeded, new instances cannot be provisioned, causing the cluster creation to fail. This can be resolved by requesting a quota increase from AWS.
Nutanix Knowledge Base Article 9774
Nutanix NC2 on AWS Documentation
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