Prepare for the Oracle Database SQL exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
QA4Exam focus on the latest syllabus and exam objectives, our practice Q&A are designed to help you identify key topics and solidify your understanding. By focusing on the core curriculum, These Questions & Answers helps you cover all the essential topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for every section of the exam. Each question comes with a detailed explanation, offering valuable insights and helping you to learn from your mistakes. Whether you're looking to assess your progress or dive deeper into complex topics, our updated Q&A will provide the support you need to confidently approach the Oracle 1Z0-071 exam and achieve success.
Examine the description of the BOOKS table:
The table has 100 rows.
Examine this sequence of statements issued in a new session;
INSERT INTO BOOKS VALUES ('ADV112' , 'Adventures of Tom Sawyer', NULL, NULL);
DELETE from books;
Which two statements are true?
B: True. The second ROLLBACK command would not do anything because the first ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT a; already undid the delete operation, and there was no other DML operation between the first and the second ROLLBACK.
E: True. The second ROLLBACK command undoes the insert because after the first ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT a; there are no savepoints defined, so a subsequent ROLLBACK would undo all transactions to the beginning of the current session or last COMMIT.
The ROLLBACK command is used to undo transactions that have not yet been committed. Rolling back to a savepoint only undoes transactions up to that savepoint, and a subsequent ROLLBACK without a savepoint name will undo all uncommitted changes since the last COMMIT.
Reference: Oracle SQL documentation on the ROLLBACK statement provides details on how it interacts with savepoints and the effects it has on the transactions within a session.
Which three statements are true about a self join?
C . True, when performing a self join, aliases are used to differentiate the same table in different contexts within the same query. This helps in comparing different rows within the same table as if they were in two separate tables. D . True, the ON clause can be used in self joins to specify the conditions on which the join is based. This is a standard method for specifying join conditions in SQL. F . True, a self join can be an outer join, allowing for the inclusion of rows that do not have a matching row in the same table according to the join condition. This enhances the flexibility of data analysis and reporting.
Oracle documentation on joins: Oracle Database SQL Language Reference
Details on self joins and outer joins: Oracle Joins Tutorial
The ORDERS table has a column ORDER_DATE of date type DATE The default display format for a date is DD-MON-RR
Which two WHERE conditions demonstrate the correct usage of conversion functions?
In SQL, the correct usage of conversion functions is crucial when performing operations on dates. Oracle uses the TO_DATE function to convert a string to a date, and the TO_CHAR function to convert dates or numbers to strings.
Statement C is correct: WHERE order_date > TO_DATE('JUL 10 2018','MON DD YYYY'); is a proper use of the TO_DATE function. It converts the string 'JUL 10 2018' to a date type, with the format 'MON DD YYYY', which is then used to compare with the order_date.
Statements A, B, D, and E are incorrect or misuse conversion functions:
A is incorrect because TO_CHAR is used to convert dates or numbers to strings, not the other way around, and therefore should not be compared with order_date.
B is incorrect because order_date is of type DATE, and you should not compare a DATE with a string without converting it; the TO_CHAR here should be TO_DATE.
D is incorrect because it mixes TO_DATE and TO_CHAR in the same IN list, which should contain date types only.
E is incorrect because TO_DATE should take a string as an argument, not a date returned by ADD_MONTHS.
Which statement falls to execute successfully?
FROM employees e
JOIN department d
WHERE e.department_id=d.department_id
AND d.department_id=90;
FROM employees e
JOIN departments d
ON e.department_id=d.department_id
WHERE d.department_id=90;
FROM employees e
JOIN departments d
ON e.department_id=d.department_id
AND d.department_id=90;
FROM employees e
JOIN departments d
ON d.departments_id=90
WHERE e.department_id=d.department_id;
Given the statements, the failure to execute would be due to improper SQL syntax or logical structuring of the JOIN clause:
Which two are true about creating tables in an Oracle database?
Regarding creating tables in an Oracle database:
B . The same table name can be used for tables in different schemas: In Oracle, a schema is essentially a namespace within the database; thus, the same table name can exist in different schemas without conflict, as each schema is distinct.
C . A system privilege is required: To create tables, a user must have the necessary system privileges, typically granted explicitly or through roles such as CREATE TABLE or administrative privileges depending on the environment setup.
Incorrect options for all three repeated questions:
A: Oracle SQL does not allow specifying the maximum number of rows directly in a CREATE TABLE statement; this is controlled by storage allocation and database design rather than table creation syntax.
D: Creating an external table does not create the physical file. It merely creates a table structure that allows access to data stored in an external file specified in the directory; the file itself must already exist or be managed outside of Oracle.
E: A primary key constraint is not mandatory for creating tables. While it is a common practice to define a primary key to enforce entity integrity, it is not required by the Oracle SQL syntax for table creation.
These answers and explanations are aligned with Oracle Database 12c SQL documentation and standard practices.
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