Prepare for the Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement 2023 Implementation Professional exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
QA4Exam focus on the latest syllabus and exam objectives, our practice Q&A are designed to help you identify key topics and solidify your understanding. By focusing on the core curriculum, These Questions & Answers helps you cover all the essential topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for every section of the exam. Each question comes with a detailed explanation, offering valuable insights and helping you to learn from your mistakes. Whether you're looking to assess your progress or dive deeper into complex topics, our updated Q&A will provide the support you need to confidently approach the Oracle 1Z0-1065-23 exam and achieve success.
In the Supplier Portal, which job role must you allocate to a supplier contact to enable them to provision user accounts to their own employees?
The Supplier Administrator job role is the only one that can provision user accounts to their own employees in the Supplier Portal. This role allows the supplier contact to manage supplier profile and user provisioning, as well as perform other tasks related to supplier master data, supplier qualification, and supplier registration. The other job roles do not have the privilege to create or modify supplier user accounts.
Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal Important Roles
Your customer requires any approved requisition to be reapproved whenever a buyer updates a catalog requisition line during requisition processing.
How must they set this up?
This option enables the customer to require any approved requisition to be reapproved whenever a buyer updates a catalog requisition line during requisition processing. This ensures that any changes made by the buyer are reviewed and approved by the appropriate authority before the requisition is converted to a purchase order.
Challenge 6
Manage Supplier Questions
Your procurement organization needs to create a Qualification Question that will be communicated to potential suppliers as part of an onboarding process.
Create an active Qualification Question, where:
. Name of the question is PRCXX Q1 (Replace xx with 01, which is your allocated User ID.)
. Question level and responder type is Supplier
* Question type is multiple choice with single selection
. Question text contains, "How many years you have been in business?"
Task 6: Create a Qualification Question for Suppliers
Following the scenario, we need to create a new Qualification Question in Oracle Procurement Cloud named 'PRCXX Q1' (replace xx with 01) to assess potential suppliers' years in business.
Here are the steps to create the Qualification
Question= 01
Navigate to Manage Supplier Qualification Questions:
Go to the Global Navigation Menu.
Click onProcurement.
Click onSetup and Maintenance.
Click onSupplier Qualification.
Click onQuestions.
Create the Qualification
Question= 01
Click on theCreateicon (+ icon).
Enter the Qualification Question Information:
Name:Enter 'PRCXX Q1' (replace xx with 01).
Question Level:Select 'Supplier'.
Responder Type:Select 'Supplier'.
Question Type:Select 'Multiple Choice - Single Select'.
Question Text:Enter 'How many years have you been in business?'.
Required:(Optional) Select 'Yes' if suppliers must answer this question.
Active:Select 'Yes' to activate the question.
Define Acceptable Responses:
Click on theAddicon (+ icon) to add new response options.
Enter the following response options:
Save the Qualification
Question= 01
Click on theSavebutton.
The Qualification Question 'PRCXX Q1' (replace xx with 01) should now be listed in the Manage Supplier Qualification Questions page.
You can verify the question details and acceptable responses by clicking on it.
The question level,responder type,question type,text,required status,and active status should be displayed as specified above.
The acceptable responses should include 0,3,and 10 years.
Additional Notes:
Make sure to replace 'xx' with your allocated User ID (01) in the question name for consistent naming convention.
Selecting 'Multiple Choice - Single Select' limits suppliers to choosing one answer.
You can add additional acceptable responses if needed.
Activating the question makes it visible to suppliers during the qualification process.
When you are creating your purchase orders, you want to be able to apply discounts to all purchase order lines with a single action and have opted in to the feature.
Which are the two conditions when the base price CANNOT be changed?
The base price of a purchase order line cannot be changed if the line is created from a punchout marketplace that does not allow the price to be changed, or if the line is included on a procurement contract. These are the two conditions that prevent the application of discounts to all purchase order lines with a single action.
When creating a negotiation, the category manager wants to send it to all supplier contacts for a supplier.
Which is the most efficient way to achieve this?
The most efficient way to send a negotiation to all supplier contacts for a supplier is to use a negotiation style that has the supplier control option of ''All supplier contacts'' enabled. This option allows you to automatically include all the contacts associated with a supplier when you add the supplier to the negotiation. You do not need to manually add each contact or rely on the supplier bidder contact to forward the negotiation. You can also create a negotiation template with this option enabled and use it to create a negotiation.
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