Prepare for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2024 Developer Professional exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
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Which TWO are part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) container runtime? (Choose two.)
The two components that are part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) container runtime are: containerd: containerd is an open-source container runtime that provides a runtime environment for containers, including managing container images, executing containers, and handling container lifecycle events. It is designed to be lightweight and extensible, providing the necessary functionality to run containers efficiently. runc: runc is a lightweight container runtime that serves as a reference implementation of the Open Container Initiative (OCI) runtime specification. It is responsible for launching and managing containers based on OCI specifications, including handling container isolation, namespaces, cgroups, and other low-level container operations. These two components, containerd and runc, are widely used in the container ecosystem and are part of the CNCF's efforts to promote and develop open-source technologies for cloud-native computing.
A service you are deploying to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) uses a docker image from a private repository in OCI Registry (OCIR). Which configuration is necessary to provide access to this repository from OKE?
The necessary configuration to provide access to a private repository in OCI Registry (OCIR) from OCI Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) is to create a docker-registry secret for OCIR with an identity Auth Token on the cluster and specify the imagePullSecret property in the application deployment manifest. Here's the breakdown of the steps: Create a docker-registry secret for OCIR with an identity Auth Token: In order to authenticate with the private repository in OCIR, you need to create a secret in your OKE cluster that contains the necessary credentials. This can be done by generating an identity Auth Token from the OCI Console and creating a secret in the cluster using the kubectl command. Specify the imagePullSecret property in the application deployment manifest: In your application's deployment manifest (such as a Kubernetes Deployment or StatefulSet YAML file), you need to include the imagePullSecret property and specify the name of the secret you created in the previous step. This allows the OKE cluster to use the credentials from the secret to pull the docker image from the private repository in OCIR during deployment. By following these steps, you can ensure that your OKE cluster has the necessary access to the private repository in OCIR, and your application can successfully pull the required docker image during deployment.
Your organization has deployed their e-commerce application on Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) and they are using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry (OCIR) service as their Docker image repository. They have deployed the OKE cluster using the 'custom create' option, and their Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) has three public subnets with associated Route Tables, Security Lists, and Internet Gateway. However, their application containers are failing to deploy. On investigation, they discover that the images are not being pulled from the designated OCIR repository, even though the YAML configuration has the correct path to the images. What is a valid concern here that needs to be further investigated?
A valid concern that needs to be further investigated in this scenario is whether the OKE cluster has a secret with the credentials of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry (OCIR) repository and if that secret is being used in the Kubernetes deployment manifest. Here's why this concern is relevant: Access to the OCIR repository: In order for the OKE cluster to pull images from the OCIR repository, it needs proper authentication credentials. These credentials are typically provided in the form of a secret, which contains the necessary information to authenticate with the registry. Secret in the deployment manifest: The Kubernetes deployment manifest defines how the application containers should be deployed. It includes specifications such as the container image, resource requirements, and environment variables. To pull images from a private repository like OCIR, the deployment manifest needs to reference the appropriate secret that contains the registry credentials. If the images are not being pulled from the designated OCIR repository, it suggests that either the secret with the OCIR credentials is missing or it is not properly referenced in the deployment manifest. Further investigation should focus on verifying the presence and correctness of the secret, as well as confirming that it is correctly referenced in the deployment manifest for the application containers. By ensuring the presence of the secret and proper configuration in the deployment manifest, the OKE cluster will have the necessary credentials to access the OCIR repository and successfully deploy the application containers.
You have a containerized application that requires access to an Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) Database. Which option is NOT valid when the container is deployed in an OKE cluster? (Choose the best answer.)
The option that is not valid for connecting to an Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) Database from a container in Kubernetes is: Install the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Service Broker on the Kubernetes cluster and deploy ServiceInstance and ServiceBinding resources for ATP. Then use the specified binding name as a volume in the application deployment manifest. The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Service Broker is not used for connecting to an ATP Database from a container in Kubernetes. The Service Broker is used for provisioning and managing cloud services directly from Kubernetes. It allows you to create and manage instances of OCI services using Kubernetes resources like ServiceInstance and ServiceBinding. To connect to an ATP Database from a container in Kubernetes, you can use one of the following valid options: Enable Oracle REST Data Services for the required schemas and connect via HTTPS. This involves enabling and configuring Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) for the schemas in the ATP Database. You can then connect to the ATP Database using RESTful endpoints provided by ORDS. Use Kubernetes secrets to configure environment variables on the container with ATP instance OCID and OCI API credentials. Then use the CreateConnection API endpoint from the service runtime. This approach involves configuring the necessary environment variables on the container to provide the ATP instance OCID and OCI API credentials. The application can then use the OCI SDK or REST API (such as the CreateConnection endpoint) to establish a connection to the ATP Database. Create a Kubernetes secret with contents from the instance Wallet files. Use this secret to create a volume mounted to the appropriate path in the application deployment manifest. This method involves creating a Kubernetes secret that contains the necessary credentials from the ATP Database's instance wallet files. The secret can then be mounted as a volume in the application deployment, allowing the application to access the required credentials for connecting to the ATP Database. Both options 1 and 3 provide valid approaches for connecting to an ATP Database from a container in Kubernetes, depending on the specific requirements and preferences of the application.
What is the difference between continuous delivery and continuous deployment in the DevOps methodology? (Choose the best answer.)
The two correct differences between continuous delivery and continuous deployment in the DevOps lifecycle are: Continuous delivery is a process that initiates deployment manually, while continuous deployment is based on automating the deployment process. In continuous delivery, the software is ready for deployment, but the decision to deploy is made manually by a human. On the other hand, continuous deployment automates the deployment process, and once the software passes all the necessary tests and quality checks, it is automatically deployed without human intervention. Continuous delivery utilizes automatic deployment to a development environment, while continuous deployment involves automatic deployment to a production environment. In continuous delivery, the software is automatically deployed to a development or staging environment for further testing and validation. However, the actual deployment to the production environment is performed manually. In continuous deployment, the software is automatically deployed to the production environment, eliminating the need for manual intervention in the deployment process. These differences highlight the level of automation and human involvement in the deployment process between continuous delivery and continuous deployment approaches in the DevOps lifecycle.
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