Prepare for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for Sunbird Ed Specialty - Rel 1 exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
QA4Exam focus on the latest syllabus and exam objectives, our practice Q&A are designed to help you identify key topics and solidify your understanding. By focusing on the core curriculum, These Questions & Answers helps you cover all the essential topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for every section of the exam. Each question comes with a detailed explanation, offering valuable insights and helping you to learn from your mistakes. Whether you're looking to assess your progress or dive deeper into complex topics, our updated Q&A will provide the support you need to confidently approach the Oracle 1Z0-1119-1 exam and achieve success.
You need lo store Sunbird ED ansible inventory in a repository that pros ides additional layer of security 10 control access. Which repository would you use?
OCI DevOps Code Repositories is a service designed to provide a secure, scalable, and collaborative environment for storing and managing source code. It offers an additional layer of security to control access, making it an ideal choice for storing sensitive configurations like Sunbird ED ansible inventory, ensuring that access to these configurations is tightly controlled and monitored.
What is Apache Druid?
Apache Druid is known for its real-time analytics capabilities and is a distributed column-store data store designed for OLAP (online analytical processing) queries on event data, making it suitable for high-performance analytics.
What is the primary purpose of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Resource Manager (ORM)?
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Resource Manager (ORM) is a managed service that enables the provisioning and managing of OCI resources through the infrastructure-as-code model. It uses Terraform by HashiCorp, allowing users to define and apply configurations using declarative code, thereby automating the setup and maintenance of cloud resources efficiently.
Which option indicates the primary storage for Sunbird Knowlg microserviccs?
For a knowledge microservice, a combination of Neo4J, Cassandra, and Cloud Storage would provide a robust solution. Neo4J offers graph database capabilities for complex queries and relationships, Cassandra provides scalable and high-performance data management, and Cloud Storage offers a flexible solution for storing large amounts of unstructured data.
Which Oracle Cloud Service can be used as a Docker Hub equivalent as part of the Sunbird ED infrastructure requirements?
OCI Container Registry (OCIR) is a managed Docker registry service that provides a Docker Hub equivalent functionality within Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. It allows users to store, share, and manage container images securely, making it an essential part of the infrastructure for containerized applications like those in Sunbird ED.
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