Prepare for the Oracle APEX Developer Professional exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
QA4Exam focus on the latest syllabus and exam objectives, our practice Q&A are designed to help you identify key topics and solidify your understanding. By focusing on the core curriculum, These Questions & Answers helps you cover all the essential topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for every section of the exam. Each question comes with a detailed explanation, offering valuable insights and helping you to learn from your mistakes. Whether you're looking to assess your progress or dive deeper into complex topics, our updated Q&A will provide the support you need to confidently approach the Oracle 1Z0-770 exam and achieve success.
Choose the three different ways in which you can add a checkbox to a page.
There are three different ways in which you can add a checkbox to a page in APEX:
Drag and drop the checkbox item into the Layout pane: In Page Designer, you can drag and drop items from the Gallery pane into the Layout pane to create them on your page. To create a checkbox item, expand the Items node in the Gallery pane and drag and drop Checkbox into the Layout pane.
Right click Body in the Rendering Tree and add a New Page Item as Checkbox Type: In Page Designer, you can right click any node in the Rendering tree and select Create to create a new component under that node. To create a checkbox item under the Body node, right click Body and select Create > New Page Item > Checkbox.
Use the context sensitive menu in the Gallery pane: In Page Designer, you can use the context sensitive menu in the Gallery pane to create items on your page. To create a checkbox item using this method, expand the Items node in the Gallery pane and right click Checkbox. Then select Create Checkbox.
Which two of the following capabilities are TRUE for both Interactive Report and Interactive Grid?
An Interactive Report and an Interactive Grid are two types of regions that allow end users to customize how and what data is displayed. They have some common capabilities such as:
End users can add, modify, and refresh data directly on the report by using the Edit option. This option enables inline editing or modal dialog editing depending on the region settings.
End users can customize how and what data is displayed by using the Actions menu. This menu provides various options such as Filter, Highlight, Aggregate, Chart, Group By, Pivot, etc.
The other options are incorrect because:
End users cannot rearrange the report interactively using the mouse in an Interactive Report. This capability is only available in an Interactive Grid by using the Reorder option in the Actions menu.
End users cannot save the report in an Interactive Grid. This capability is only available in an Interactive Report by using the Save Report option in the Actions menu.
Verified References: [About Interactive Reports] [About Interactive Grids]
Which two are true when the Edit option is NOT enabled for an Interactive Grid?
An interactive grid is a component that displays data in a tabular format and allows users to perform various actions on the data, such as sorting, filtering, grouping, highlighting, and editing. However, the editing feature is optional and can be enabled or disabled by the developer. When the Edit option is not enabled for an interactive grid, the following statements are true:
The end user cannot edit the underlying data in the database. The interactive grid becomes read-only and does not allow users to add, modify, or delete rows. The Add Row and Save buttons are hidden from the toolbar and the cells are not editable.
The end user can customize the report. The interactive grid still allows users to change the appearance and behavior of the report using the Actions menu. Users can perform actions such as changing column order, resizing column width, hiding or showing columns, applying filters or highlights, creating control breaks or charts, and saving reports.
Which two layout options are available for Page Designer under Utilities?
Page Designer is a tool that allows developers to create and edit pages in Oracle APEX using a graphical user interface. Page Designer has three main panes: Rendering, Processing, and Property Editor. You can change the layout of Page Designer under Utilities by selecting one of the following options:
Single Pane Mode - This option displays only one pane at a time. You can switch between the Rendering, Processing, and Property Editor panes by using the buttons on the toolbar or the keyboard shortcuts.
Two Pane Mode - This option displays two panes side by side. You can choose which panes to display by using the buttons on the toolbar or the keyboard shortcuts. You can also resize the panes by dragging the splitter bar between them. There is no Three Pane Mode or Four Pane Mode option for Page Designer layout. Verified References: [Managing Pages in Page Designer - Oracle Help Center], [Page Designer Layout Options - Oracle Help Center]
Select two features of a Smart Filters Page.
A smart filters page is a type of component that features a single search field at the top of the page and a search results report (classic report, cards, map, or calendar) at the bottom. A smart filters page behaves similarly to faceted search, but it features a more space efficient layout. Two of the features of a smart filters page are:
Consists of a single search field with filters at the top of the page and a report at the bottom. This feature provides a simple and compact user interface that allows users to enter text in the search field and see suggested filters based on their input. Users can also see and modify applied filters at any time.
Each filter displays as a suggestion chip with a single count of how often the specific suggestion value occurs. This feature provides useful information to users about how many records match each filter value. Users can also choose between different types of suggestions, such as dynamic, static, or SQL query.
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