Prepare for the Salesforce Certified MuleSoft Developer I exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
QA4Exam focus on the latest syllabus and exam objectives, our practice Q&A are designed to help you identify key topics and solidify your understanding. By focusing on the core curriculum, These Questions & Answers helps you cover all the essential topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for every section of the exam. Each question comes with a detailed explanation, offering valuable insights and helping you to learn from your mistakes. Whether you're looking to assess your progress or dive deeper into complex topics, our updated Q&A will provide the support you need to confidently approach the Salesforce-MuleSoft-Developer-I exam and achieve success.
To avoid hard-coding values, a flow uses some property placeholders and the corresponding values are stored in a configuration file.
Where does the configuration file's location need to be specified in the Mule application?
Correct answer is A global element
When we create a configuration file , that file needs to added as Global Configuration file in Global element. A global element is a reusable object containing parameters that any number of elements in a flow can share. You reference a global element from Anypoint Connectors or components in your Mule application
Which of the below activity doesn't support parallel execution?
The First Successful router iterates through a list of configured processing routes until one of the routes executes successfully. This is sequential execution. In all other options mentioned in the question ,we can achieve parallel execution.
Following Mulesoft's recommended API-led connectivity approach , an organization has created an application network. The organization now needs to create API's to transform , orchestrate and aggregate the data provided by the other API's in the application network. This API should be flexible enought ot handle the data from additional API's in future.
According to Mulesoft's recommended API-led connectivity approach , what is the best layer for this new API?
Correct answer isprocess layeras all the orchestration and transformation logic should be in process layer as per Mulesoft's recommended approach for API led connectivity.
API-led connectivity is a methodical way to connect data to applications through reusable and purposeful APIs. These APIs are developed to play a specific role -- unlocking data from systems, composing data into processes, or delivering an experience.
What are the APIs that enable API-led connectivity?
API-led connectivity provides an approach for connecting and exposing assets. With this approach, rather than connecting things point-to-point, every asset becomes a managed API -- a modern API, which makes it discoverable through self-service without losing control.
The APIs used in an API-led approach to connectivity fall into three categories:
System APIs-- these usually access the core systems of record and provide a means of insulating the user from the complexity or any changes to the underlying systems. Once built, many users, can access data without any need to learn the underlying systems and can reuse these APIs in multiple projects.
Process APIs-- These APIs interact with and shape data within a single system or across systems(breaking down data silos)and are created here without a dependence on the source systems from which that data originates, as well as the target channels through which that data is delivered.
Experience APIs-- Experience APIs are the means by which data can be reconfigured so that it is most easily consumed by its intended audience, all from a common data source, rather than setting up separate point-to-point integrations for each channel. An Experience API is usually created with API-first design principles where the API is designed for the specific user experience in mind.
Refer to the exhibits.
The Set Payload transformer's value is set to {'year': '2020'}.
What message value should be added to the Logger component to output the message 'The year is 2020', without hardcoding 2020?
Refer to the exhibits.
Each route in the Scatter-Gather sets the payload to the number shown in the label. What response is returned to a web client request to the HTTP Listener?
Correct answer is as below. After all processing routes have finished execution, the Scatter-Gather component creates a new Mule event that combines all resulting Mule events from each route, and then passes the new Mule event to the next component in the flow.
'0': {
'attributes': ...,
'payload': '100'
'1': {
'attributes': ...,
'payload': '200'
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