Prepare for the Scaled Agile SAFe Advanced Scrum Master exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
QA4Exam focus on the latest syllabus and exam objectives, our practice Q&A are designed to help you identify key topics and solidify your understanding. By focusing on the core curriculum, These Questions & Answers helps you cover all the essential topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for every section of the exam. Each question comes with a detailed explanation, offering valuable insights and helping you to learn from your mistakes. Whether you're looking to assess your progress or dive deeper into complex topics, our updated Q&A will provide the support you need to confidently approach the Scaled Agile SAFe-SASM exam and achieve success.
What is one characteristic of an effective Agile Team?
An effective Agile Team focuses on delivering value by reliably deploying features that meet customer needs.
Value Delivery: The primary measure of success for an Agile team is the continuous delivery of valuable, working software.
Customer Focus: Teams work collaboratively to understand and deliver what is most valuable to customers.
Incremental Progress: Regularly delivering increments of the product that are potentially shippable ensures continuous feedback and improvement.
This characteristic emphasizes the Agile principle of delivering working software frequently, with a focus on customer value.
SAFe Scrum Master Reference:
SAFe Advanced Scrum Master Training Material, Chapter on Agile Teams.
What is the purpose of the retrospective held during an Inspect and Adapt event?
Inspect and Adapt (I&A) Event: This event includes a retrospective aimed at reviewing the past Program Increment (PI) and identifying issues that need to be addressed.
Purpose of Retrospective: The retrospective helps the team reflect on what went well, what didn't, and why. It is used to identify specific problems and root causes that will be addressed in the subsequent problem-solving workshop.
Outcome: The issues identified during the retrospective form the basis for the problem-solving workshop, where the team collaboratively develops action plans to improve processes and outcomes.
SAFe Scrum Master Reference:
The I&A event in SAFe is designed to foster continuous improvement by systematically identifying and addressing issues through structured retrospectives and problem-solving workshops.
Three teams in the Agile Release Train are working on the same Feature. Team A is a complicated subsystem team, and Teams B and C are stream-aligned teams. During PI Planning, Teams B and C committed to delivering their part of the Feature by the end of Iteration five and plan to integrate with each other along with Team A's piece in the first week of the IP Iteration. Why is this an anti-pattern?
In SAFe, the Innovation and Planning (IP) Iteration is reserved for activities such as innovation, planning, and preparation for the next Program Increment (PI), as well as for holding the Inspect and Adapt (I&A) event. It is not intended for completing work that should have been finished during regular iterations. Planning work for the IP Iteration can lead to a lack of focus on essential planning and innovation activities and may indicate poor planning and risk management practices. Therefore, relying on the IP Iteration to complete Feature work is considered an anti-pattern.
SAFe Scrum Master Reference
SAFe 5.0 framework: guidelines on the purpose and use of the IP Iteration
SAFe Advanced Scrum Master learning materials
What is the purpose of the Scrum of Scrums meeting during PI Planning?
The Scrum of Scrums meeting during PI Planning is designed to identify and manage dependencies across teams. This meeting allows representatives from each team to come together and discuss how their plans intersect and where they might impact each other.
Dependency Identification: Teams identify dependencies early to manage risks and align their efforts.
Coordination: Facilitates better coordination and integration of work between multiple teams.
Communication: Provides a forum for raising issues and ensuring that all teams are aware of potential impacts on their work.
This helps in creating a more cohesive and integrated approach to delivering the Program Increment (PI).
SAFe Scrum Master Reference:
SAFe Advanced Scrum Master Training Material, Chapter on PI Planning
The work within one state of a team's Kanban board is being completed at varying times, sometimes running faster and sometimes slower than the next state. What could resolve this issue?
Creating a buffer state between two states in a Kanban board can help regulate the flow of work and address the varying completion times.
Buffer State Purpose: Acts as a holding area to balance the flow between different stages of work, smoothing out variances in completion times.
Flow Regulation: Ensures that work can continue smoothly without bottlenecks or idle times.
Work In Progress (WIP) Limits: Helps maintain a steady flow by preventing too much work from accumulating in any one state.
This approach aligns with Lean principles of managing flow and reducing variability in processes.
SAFe Scrum Master Reference:
SAFe Advanced Scrum Master Training Material, Chapter on Kanban Systems.
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