Prepare for the Snowflake SnowPro Advanced: Administrator Certification exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
QA4Exam focus on the latest syllabus and exam objectives, our practice Q&A are designed to help you identify key topics and solidify your understanding. By focusing on the core curriculum, These Questions & Answers helps you cover all the essential topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for every section of the exam. Each question comes with a detailed explanation, offering valuable insights and helping you to learn from your mistakes. Whether you're looking to assess your progress or dive deeper into complex topics, our updated Q&A will provide the support you need to confidently approach the Snowflake ADA-C01 exam and achieve success.
What are characteristics of Dynamic Data Masking? (Select TWO).
According to the Using Dynamic Data Masking documentation, Dynamic Data Masking is a feature that allows you to alter sections of data in table and view columns at query time using a predefined masking strategy. The following are some of the characteristics of Dynamic Data Masking:
* A single masking policy can be applied to columns in different tables. This means that you can write a policy once and have it apply to thousands of columns across databases and schemas.
* A single masking policy can be applied to columns with different data types. This means that you can use the same masking strategy for columns that store different kinds of data, such as strings, numbers, dates, etc.
* A masking policy that is currently set on a table can be dropped. This means that you can remove the masking policy from the table and restore the original data visibility.
* A masking policy can be applied to the VALUE column of an external table. This means that you can mask data that is stored in an external stage and queried through an external table.
* The role that creates the masking policy will always see unmasked data in query results. This is not true, as the masking policy can also apply to the creator role depending on the execution context conditions defined in the policy. For example, if the policy specifies that only users with a certain custom entitlement can see the unmasked data, then the creator role will also need to have that entitlement to see the unmasked data.
The ACCOUNTADMIN of Account 123 works with Snowflake Support to set up a Data Exchange. After the exchange is populated with listings from other Snowflake accounts,
what roles in Account 123 are allowed to request and get data?
The following SQL command was executed:
Grant ownership
On future tables
Create table PROD.WORKING.XYZ (value number) ;
Which role(s) can alter or drop table XYZ?
According to the GRANT OWNERSHIP documentation, the ownership privilege grants full control over the table and can only be held by one role at a time. However, the current owner can also grant the ownership privilege to another role, which transfers the ownership to the new role. In this case, the SECURITYADMIN role granted the ownership privilege on future tables in the PROD.WORKING schema to the PROD_WORKING_OWNER role. This means that any table created in that schema after the grant statement will be owned by the PROD_WORKING_OWNER role. Therefore, the PROD_WORKING_OWNER role can alter or drop table XYZ, which was created by the ACCOUNTADMIN role in the PROD.WORKING schema. Additionally, the ACCOUNTADMIN role can also alter or drop table XYZ, because it is the top-level role that has all privileges on all objects in the account. Furthermore, the SYSADMIN role can also alter or drop table XYZ, because it was granted the PROD_WORKING_OWNER role by the SECURITYADMIN role. The SYSADMIN role can activate the PROD_WORKING_OWNER role and inherit its privileges, including the ownership privilege on table XYZ. The SECURITYADMIN role cannot alter or drop table XYZ, because it does not have the ownership privilege on the table, nor does it have the PROD_WORKING_OWNER role.
A company enabled replication between accounts and is ready to replicate data across regions in the same cloud service provider.
The primary database object is : PROD_AWS_EAST. Location : AWS_EAST
The secondary database object is : PROD_AWS_WEST. Location : AWS_WEST
What command and account location is needed to refresh the data?
The REFRESH DATABASE command is used to refresh a secondary database with the latest data and metadata from the primary database1. The command must be executed in the target account where the secondary database resides2. Therefore, the answer is A, as the location is AWS_WEST and the command is REFRESH DATABASE PROD_AWS_WEST REFRESH. The other options are incorrect because they either use the wrong location, the wrong command, or the wrong database name.
The following commands were executed:
Grant usage on database PROD to role PROD_ANALYST;
Grant usage on database PROD to role PROD_SUPERVISOR;
Grant role PROD ANALYST to user A;
Grant role PROD SUPERVISOR to user B;
What authority does each user have on the WORKING schema?
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