Prepare for the The Open Group TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Combined Part 1 and Part 2 Exam exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
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Please read this scenario prior to answering the question
You are the Lead Enterprise Architect at a major agribusiness company. The company's main harvest is lentils, a highly valued food grown worldwide. The lentil parasite, broomrape, has been an increasing concern for many years and is now becoming resistant to chemical controls. In addition, changes in climate favor the propagation and growth of the parasite. As a result, the parasite cannot realistically be exterminated, and it has become pandemic, with lentil yields falling globally.
In response to the situation, the CEO has decided that the lentil fields will be used for another harvest. The company will also cease to process third-party lentils and will repurpose its processing plants. Thus, the target market will change, and the end-products will be different and more varied.
The company has recently established an Enterprise Architecture practice based on the TOGAF standard as method and guiding framework. The CIO is the sponsor of the activity. A formal request for architecture change has been approved. At this stage there is no fixed scope, shared vision, or objectives.
Refer to the scenario
You have been asked to propose the best approach for architecture development to realize the CEO's change in direction for the company.
Based on the TOGAF standard which of the following is the best answer?
A trade-off analysis is a technique that can be used to evaluate and compare different architecture alternatives and select the most suitable one. A trade-off analysis involves identifying the criteria and factors that are relevant to the decision, such as costs, benefits, risks, and opportunities, and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of each alternative. A trade-off analysis also involves balancing and reconciling the multiple, often conflicting, requirements and concerns of the stakeholders, and ensuring alignment with the Architecture Vision and the Architecture Principles.
Therefore, the best answer is D, because it proposes the best approach for architecture development to realize the CEO's change in direction for the company. The answer covers the Request for Architecture Work, the Architecture Vision, and the trade-off analysis techniques that are relevant to the scenario.
Complete the sentence A set of architecture principles that cover every situation perceived meets the recommended criteria of_______________
A set of architecture principles that cover every situation perceived meets the recommended criteria of completeness. Completeness is one of the six criteria that should be applied when developing or assessing architecture principles. Completeness means that there are no gaps or overlaps in the coverage of principles across all relevant aspects of the enterprise's architecture. Reference: The TOGAF Standard | The Open Group Website, Section 3.3.7 Architecture Principles.
Which of the following does the TOGAF standard describe as a package of functionality defined to meet business needs across an organization?
Consider the following ADM phases objectives.
1- Determine whether an incremental approach is required, and if so identify Transition Architectures that will deliver continuous business value
2- Generate the initial complete version of the Architecture Roadmap, based upon the gap analysis and candidate Architecture Roadmap components from Phases B, C, and D
3- Finalize the Architecture Roadmap and the supporting Implementation and Migration Plan
4- Ensure that the business value and cost of work packages and Transition Architectures is understood by key stakeholders
Which phase does each objective match?
According to the TOGAF standard, the objectives of each ADM phase are as follows1:
* Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions
o Determine whether an incremental approach is required, and if so identify Transition Architectures that will deliver continuous business value
o Identify and group major work packages within the Architecture Roadmap
o Identify and group major implementation projects to realize the Architecture Roadmap
o Identify dependencies between increments and projects
o Estimate cost, benefit, and risk at a high level for each increment and project
o Conduct initial prioritization and sequencing of the Architecture Roadmap and projects
* Phase F: Migration Planning
o Generate the initial complete version of the Architecture Roadmap, based upon the gap analysis and candidate Architecture Roadmap components from Phases B, C, and D
o Confirm the Transition Architectures with relevant stakeholders
o Create the Implementation and Migration Plan, including Transition Architectures, work packages, projects, and other activities
o Confirm and agree the Architecture Roadmap and Implementation and Migration Plan with relevant stakeholders
* Phase G: Implementation Governance
o Finalize the Architecture Roadmap and the supporting Implementation and Migration Plan
o Ensure conformance with the Target Architecture by implementation projects
o Perform appropriate Architecture Governance functions for the solution and any implementation-driven architecture Change Requests
o Ensure that the architecture lifecycle is maintained
o Ensure that the Architecture Governance Framework is executed
* Phase H: Architecture Change Management
o Ensure that the business value and cost of work packages and Transition Architectures is understood by key stakeholders
o Manage risks and issues related to the Architecture Roadmap and Implementation and Migration Plan
o Monitor the implementation projects and Transition Architectures
o Manage changes to the architecture baseline
o Manage changes to the Architecture Capability
Therefore, the correct matching of the objectives and the phases is:
* 1G: Determine whether an incremental approach is required, and if so identify Transition Architectures that will deliver continuous business value
* 2E: Generate the initial complete version of the Architecture Roadmap, based upon the gap analysis and candidate Architecture Roadmap components from Phases B, C, and D
* 3F: Finalize the Architecture Roadmap and the supporting Implementation and Migration Plan
* 4F: Ensure that the business value and cost of work packages and Transition Architectures is understood by key stakeholders
Please read this scenario prior to answering the question
You are the Chief Enterprise Architect at a large food service company specializing in sales to trade and
wholesale, for example, restaurants and other food retailers.
One of your company's competitors has launched a revolutionary product range and is running a very
aggressive marketing campaign. Your company's resellers are successively announcing that they are not
interested in your company's products and will sell your competitor's.
The CEO has stated there must be significant change to address the situation. He has made it clear that
new markets must be found for the company's products, and that the business needs to pivot, and address the retail market as well as the existing wholesale market.
A consideration is the company's ability and willingness to change its business model, and if it is a temporary or permanent change. An additional risk factor is one of culture. The company has been used to a stable business with a reasonably well known and settled client base - all with its own local understandings and practices.
The CEO is the sponsor of the EA program within the company. You have been engaged with the sales,
logistics, production, and marketing teams, enabling the architecture activity to start. An Architecture Vision, Architecture Principles, and Requirements have all been agreed. As you move forward to develop a possible Target Architecture you have identified that some of the key stakeholders' preferences are incompatible. The incompatibilities are focused primarily on time-to-market, cost savings, and the need to bring out a fully featured product range, but there are additional factors.
Refer to the scenario
You have been asked how you will address the incompatibilities between key stakeholder preferences.
Based on the TOGAF standard which of the following is the best answer?
According to the TOGAF standard, the Target Architecture is the description of a future state of the architecture being developed for an organization. It should be aligned with the Architecture Vision, Principles, and Requirements that have been agreed with the stakeholders. To address the incompatibilities between key stakeholder preferences, the TOGAF standard recommends creating and evaluating multiple alternative Target Architectures that meet different sets of criteria. These criteria should reflect the value preferences and priorities of the stakeholders, as well as the business drivers and objectives. The alternative Target Architectures should be illustrated using a set of architecture views that show the impact of each alternative on the business, data, application, and technology domains. The impact on planned projects should also be identified and analyzed. The strengths and weaknesses of each alternative should be understood and documented. A formal stakeholder review should then be conducted to decide which alternative is the most fit for purpose and should be moved forward with. The funding required for implementing the chosen alternative should also be determined and secured.Reference:
The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 - Phase B: Business Architecture - The Open Group
The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 - Phase C: Information Systems Architectures - The Open Group
[The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 - Phase D: Technology Architecture - The Open Group]
[The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 - Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions - The Open Group]
[The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 - Phase F: Migration Planning - The Open Group]
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