Prepare for the UiPath Automation Developer Professional v1 Exam exam with our extensive collection of questions and answers. These practice Q&A are updated according to the latest syllabus, providing you with the tools needed to review and test your knowledge.
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A developer is building a process that types data into input fields using the Hardware Events input method. Which property of the Type Into activity should be modified to reduce the pace at which the input string characters are typed into the fields?
To reduce the pace at which the input string characters are typed into the fields using the Hardware Events input method, the developer should modify the Delay between keys property of the Type Into activity. This property specifies the delay time (in milliseconds) between two keystrokes. The default value is 10 milliseconds. The maximum value is 1000 milliseconds. By increasing the value of this property, the developer can slow down the typing speed and avoid any errors or missed characters. For example, if the developer sets the Delay between keys property to 100 milliseconds, the activity will wait for 0.1 seconds before typing each character of the input string.Reference: [Type Into], [Delay Between Keys]
Suppose you have the following workflow that verifies if the text value of an element is equal to "Work Items":
The configuration for the Verify Control Attribute and Get Text activities is shown below:
The element and its selector are highlighted in the image below:
Taking into consideration that the page shown above will be present on screen at execution time, what will be the result of the Verify Control Attribute activity?
The workflow in question uses a 'Verify Control Attribute' activity to check if the text value of a UI element is equal to 'Work Items'. The Get Text activity is used to retrieve the text from the specified UI element, and the result of this activity is compared against the expected value 'Work Items'.
From the provided information, the 'Verify Control Attribute' activity has been set up with the Expression 'Work Items' and the Operator set to Equality. The 'Get Text' activity is configured to extract the text from the UI element with the visible text 'Work Items', as indicated by the selector shown in the image.
Since the actual value of the UI element's text is 'Work Items' (which matches the expected value in the 'Verify Control Attribute' activity), and provided that the 'Get Text' activity successfully retrieves this value, the verification will pass. The configuration indicates that the activity should take a screenshot only if the verification fails (TakeScreenshotIfFailed is set to True), which will not be the case here.
Therefore, assuming that there are no other issues such as incorrect selectors or unexpected changes to the UI element at execution time, the result of the 'Verify Control Attribute' activity will be a pass.
UiPath Documentation: Verify Control Attribute Activity
Which activity can be used to transition a Background Process to Foreground?
A background process is a type of automation that can run in parallel with one foreground process on the same robot, without requiring user interaction. A foreground process is a type of automation that requires user interaction and runs on the visible desktop. A background process can transition to foreground by using the Use Foreground activity, which moves the current background process into the foreground, executing all the activities it contains. After the execution is complete, the process is moved back into the background.
The other options are not activities that can be used to transition a background process to foreground. Option B, Activate, is an activity that activates a specified UI element by bringing it to the foreground. Option C, Maximize Window, is an activity that maximizes a specified window. Option D, Set Focus, is an activity that sets the keyboard focus to a specified UI element.
What is a pre-requisite for running InitAllApplications TestCase?
A test case is a set of steps and expected results that verify a certain functionality or behavior of an automation. A test case can be created in UiPath Studio or UiPath Test Manager, and it can contain both manual and automated steps. A test case can be executed manually or automatically, depending on the type of steps it contains.
A test case follows the Given-When-Then structure, which is a common format for writing test scenarios. The Given section describes the preconditions or initial state of the system before the test is executed. The When section describes the actions or events that trigger the test. The Then section describes the expected outcomes or postconditions of the test.
The InitAllApplications TestCase is a test case that verifies the initialization of all the applications that are used in the automation project. It is usually created in UiPath Studio, using the Test Cases feature. The InitAllApplications TestCase can be linked to the InitAllApplications.xaml workflow, which is a component of the REFramework template that opens and logs in to all the applications that are required for the automation.
The pre-requisite for running the InitAllApplications TestCase is to invoke the InitAllSettings.xaml file in the Given section of the test case. The InitAllSettings.xaml workflow is another component of the REFramework template that reads the configuration data from the Config.xlsx file and initializes the settings and assets for the automation project. By invoking the InitAllSettings.xaml file in the Given section, the test case ensures that the settings and assets are available and ready before opening and logging in to the applications.
The other options are not pre-requisites for running the InitAllApplications TestCase. Option B is incorrect, because the SetTransactionStatus.xaml file is not related to the initialization of applications, but to the setting of the status of a queue item after processing it. Option C is incorrect, because the CloseAllApplications.xaml file is not related to the initialization of applications, but to the closing of all the applications that were opened by the automation. Option D is incorrect, because the KillAllProcesses.xaml file is not related to the initialization of applications, but to the killing of all the processes that are associated with the automation.
What is the main function of the UiPath Remote Runtime component?
The UiPath Remote Runtime component is a component that facilitates the communication between a remote application or desktop, such as Citrix Virtual Apps, and the dedicated UiPath extension -- the UiPath Extension for Citrix, the UiPath Extension for Windows Remote Desktop and Apps, or the UiPath Extension for VMware Horizon1. It gathers information about the targeted UI elements of the remote applications and sends them to the corresponding extension, so that selectors are natively generated in UiExplorer1. The UiPath Remote Runtime component is required to establish the connection between an application or desktop server and a corresponding UiPath extension installed on a client machine, where Studio is installed1. This way, selectors are natively generated on the client machine, without having to rely on OCR and image recognition activities1. .
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