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VMware 3V0-31.22 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for 3V0-31.22 were last updated on Oct 3, 2024.
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Question No. 1


As a Cloud Administrator you have two tasks to complete:

1. Onboard new interns into vRealize Automation and assign the correct access. The Interns are split into two Active Directory groups, interns-group-a and interns-group-b. The interns-group-a group requires access to Cloud Assembly and the interns-group-b group requires access to Service Broker. The interns should be allocated the most restrictive access available.

2 Assist in resolving issues reported by the following users who do not have the correct access permissions in vRealize Automation. Each user should have the minimum permissions required to fulfill their role:

* A User with logon id appdevuset2@corp.local is only responsible for creating new and deploying from cloud templates in Cloud Assembly.

The following additional information is provided to help complete both tasks:

* IDM URL: https://identity-manager.corp.tocal/SAAS/admin or use bookmark

* IDM System Domain Username: admin

* IDM Admin Password: VMware1!

* AD Organization Unit ON: OU=lnterns.DC=corp.DC=local

* vRealize Automation URL: vr-automalion.corp.local

* Cloud Administrator Username: vca pad mm @corp. local

* Cloud Administrator Password: VMware1!

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Correct Answer: A

To complete the tasks as a Cloud Administrator, follow these steps:

Task 1: Onboard New Interns into vRealize Automation

Log in to the Identity Manager (IDM) using the provided URL and credentials.

Navigate toIdentity & Access Management.

UnderEnterprise Groups, find and selectinterns-group-aandinterns-group-b.

Assigninterns-group-awith the role ofCloud Assembly User, which is the most restrictive access for Cloud Assembly.

Assigninterns-group-bwith the role ofService Broker User, which is the most restrictive access for Service Broker.

Ensure that the AD Organization Unit is correctly set toOU=Interns,DC=corp,DC=localfor proper group synchronization.

Task 2: Resolve Access Permissions Issues

Log in to the vRealize Automation URL using the Cloud Administrator credentials.

Go toIdentity & Access Management.

Locate the user with the logon idappdevuser2@corp.local.

Assign this user the role ofCloud Assembly Userto allow creating and deploying from cloud templates in Cloud Assembly.

Verify that the user has the minimum permissions required and does not have any additional roles that exceed their responsibility.

By following these steps, you should be able to onboard the interns with the correct access and resolve the access permissions issues for the specified user. Always ensure to adhere to the principle of least privilege, granting users the minimum level of access necessary to perform their roles.

Question No. 2


As the Cloud Administrator, you have been tasked to do the following;

1. Create a new operating system image. 2 Create a new machine size. 3. Add two new Cloud templates:

a Import the first Cloud template from the provided file.

b. Create the second Cloud template based on the imported Cloud Template with the following requirements:

i. Allow the user to pick from a list of operating system images.

ii. Allow the user to pick from a list of machine sizes.

iii. Deployment must use the selected input values.

iv. Ensure you are able to review/compare any previous changes that have been made since the Cloud template was cloned in Cloud Assembly.

NOTE: Do not deploy the Cloud template

Information required to complete the tasks:

* vRealize Automation FODN: vr-automation.corp.local

* Cloud Admin Username: vcapadmin@corp.local

* Cloud Admin Password: VMwarel!

* vRA Project Name: Jupiter

* Flavor Mapping Name: extra large - Flavor Mapping Config:

o Account: vSphere Private Cloud Region: Local Datacenter o CPUs: 4 CPU o RAM: 16GB

* Image Mapping Name Windows Server 2019

* Image Mapping Configuration:

o Account: vSphere Private Cloud o Region: Local Datacenter o Image: windows2019

* Imported Cloud template Name: Jupiter Ubuntu Server

* Imported Cloud template File: C:VExam Files\Question 3\jupiter.yaml

* New Cloud template Name: Jupiter Cloned Server

* New Cloud template Size Input:

o Name: size

o Title: Select a Size

o Valid Options: small, medium, extra large

* New Cloud template Image Input:

o Name: image

o Title: Select an OS Image

o Valid Options: Windows Server 2019. Ubuntu18

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Correct Answer: A

To accomplish Task 3 as a Cloud Administrator, you would perform the following steps:

Create a new operating system image:

Log in to the vRealize Automation console using the Cloud Admin credentials.

Navigate toDesign > Image Mappingsand clickNew Image Mapping.

Enter the details for the new operating system image, including the name and the Account/Region.

Select the appropriate content library or image to use for the new image mapping12.

Create a new machine size (Flavor Mapping):

Go toDesign > Flavor Mappingsand clickNew Flavor Mapping.

Provide the configuration details for the new machine size, such as the number of CPUs and RAM size.

Assign the new flavor mapping to the vSphere Private Cloud account and the Local Datacenter region.

Add two new Cloud templates:

a.Import the first Cloud template:

Navigate toDesign > Cloud Templates.

ClickImportand select the provided filejupiter.yamlto import the Jupiter Ubuntu Server template.

b.Create the second Cloud template based on the imported Cloud Template:

After importing, clone the Jupiter Ubuntu Server template and rename it to Jupiter Cloned Server.

Modify the cloned template to include input options for the operating system image and machine size.

Use the YAML code editor to add aninputssection where users can select the machine size and operating system image at deployment time34.

Ensure that the deployment uses the selected input values by referencing the input parameters in the resources section of the cloud template.

To review and compare any previous changes, utilize the version control features in Cloud Assembly to track changes made to the cloud template

Question No. 3


As the Cloud Administrator, you have received the following request to make the changes in vRealize Automation to support new service capabilities.

1. Create a Storage Tier to support encryption.

2. Create a Network Profile for Phobos Project.

* Choose the NSX-T network from the available list.

3. The existing Phobos Zone should offer the following capabilities

* Initial workload placement should use VMware vRealize Operations and all workloads should be placed into a specific virtual machine folder by default.

The following information has been provided to assist you in these tasks:

The following information has been provided to assist you in these tasks:

* vRealize Automation URL: vr-automation.corp.local

* Cloud Admin Username: vcapadmin@corp.local

* Cloud Admin Password: VMware1!

Storage Profile Settings:

* Name: Encrypted Storage Tier

* Disk Type: Standard disk

* Region: vSphere Private Cloud / Local Dat

. Datastore/Cluster: RegionAOUSCSIOI-CC3'

* Provisioning Type: Thin

* Supports Encryption: Yes

* Capability Tag:

o Key: storage

o Value: encrypted

Network Profile Settings:

* Name: Phobos Networks

* Region: vSphere Private Cloud / Local Datacenter

* Network Segment: nsx-phobos-external

* Network IPv4 CIDR:

* Network Default Gateway:

* Domain: cofp.local

* IP Range Name: Phobos-range

* IP Range:

* Network Profile Capability Tag:

o Key: net

o Value: phobos

Cloud Zone Settings:

* Name: Phobos

* Folder: Workloads

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Correct Answer: A

To support the new service capabilities in vRealize Automation, you will need to perform the following tasks:

Task 1: Create a Storage Tier to Support Encryption

Log in to the vRealize Automation console using the provided Cloud Admin credentials.

Navigate toInfrastructure>Configure>Storage Profiles.

ClickNew Storage Profile.

Enter theNameas ''Encrypted Storage Tier''.

Set theDisk Typeto ''Standard disk''.

Choose theRegionas ''vSphere Private Cloud / Local Datacenter''.

Select theDatastore/Clusteras ''RegionA01USCSIOI-CC3''.

ForProvisioning Type, select ''Thin''.

EnsureSupports Encryptionis set to ''Yes''.

Add aCapability Tagwith Key as ''storage'' and Value as ''encrypted''.

Save the storage profile.

Task 2: Create a Network Profile for Phobos Project

In the vRealize Automation console, go toInfrastructure>Configure>Network Profiles.

ClickNew Network Profile.

Provide theNameas ''Phobos Networks''.

Set theRegionto ''vSphere Private Cloud / Local Datacenter''.

UnderNetwork Segment, choose ''nsx-phobos-external''.

Enter theNetwork IPv4 CIDRas ''''.

Set theNetwork Default Gatewayto ''''.

Specify theDomainas ''corp.local''.

Go to theIP Rangestab and add a new range named ''Phobos-range'' with the range ''''.

Add aNetwork Profile Capability Tagwith Key as ''net'' and Value as ''phobos''.

Save the network profile.

Task 3: Configure Workload Placement for Phobos Zone

Ensure that VMware vRealize Operations is integrated with vRealize Automation for advanced workload placement1.

In the vRealize Automation console, navigate toInfrastructure>Cloud Zones.

Locate and edit the existing cloud zone named ''Phobos''.

In thePlacement Policysection, set it to use VMware vRealize Operations.

Specify the default virtual machine folder for workload placement as ''Workloads''.

Save the changes to the cloud zone.

By completing these steps, you will have created a storage tier that supports encryption, a network profile for the Phobos Project, and configured the Phobos Zone to offer advanced capabilities using VMware vRealize Operations. Always ensure to follow your organization's best practices and security policies when making changes to the infrastructure.

Question No. 4


As the Cloud Administrator, you have been tasked lo complete the following tasks tor the Pluto Project.

1. Configure the following on the network nsx-pluto-existing in the network profile called Pluto Networks

a. IPv4 CIDR:

b. IPv4 Gateway:

c Default Domain: corp.local d. Assign a Capability Tag:

* key: net

* value: existing

2. Define a new IP Range on the nsx-pluto-existing network that has the following configuration:

a. Network IP Range Name: pluto-existing-range b IP Range:

3. Assign a new capability tag to the sgPlutoDatabase Security Group:

a. key: sg

b. value: plutodatabase

4. Update the Pluto Networks Network Profile:

a. Ensure it only has the following networks assigned:

i. nsx-pluto-extemal

ii. nsx-pluto-existing

iii. nsx-pluto-outbound b Configure nsx-pluto-outbound as the external network for the network policy c. Assign a new capability tag to the Pluto Networks network profile:

i. key: net ii. value: pluto

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Correct Answer: A

To complete the tasks for the Pluto Project as a Cloud Administrator, you would follow these steps:

Task 1: Configure Network nsx-pluto-existing in Pluto Networks Profile

Access the vRealize Automation console.

Navigate toInfrastructure>Configure>Network Profiles.

Select the ''Pluto Networks'' profile.

Configure the network nsx-pluto-existing with the following settings:


IPv4 Gateway:

Default Domain:corp.local

Assign a Capability Tag with key:netand value:existing.

Task 2: Define a New IP Range

Within the ''Pluto Networks'' profile, select the nsx-pluto-existing network.

Add a new IP Range with the following configuration:

Network IP Range Name:pluto-existing-range

IP Range:

Task 3: Assign Capability Tag to sgPlutoDatabase Security Group

Locate the sgPlutoDatabase Security Group within the vRealize Automation console.

Assign a new capability tag to the security group with key:sgand value:plutodatabase.

Task 4: Update the Pluto Networks Network Profile

Ensure the Pluto Networks profile includes only the following networks:




Configure nsx-pluto-outbound as the external network for the network policy.

Assign a new capability tag to the Pluto Networks network profile with key:netand value:pluto.

Please ensure to follow the specific steps and configurations as per your organization's standards and the vRealize Automation documentation for detailed instructions on each task

Question No. 5


As the Cloud Administrator for the Saturn Project, you have been tasked to:

1. Create an ABX Action

2. Create a subscription to trigger the action only if the following conditions are met:

a. The Cloud Template is Saturn Ubuntu 18 only.

b The action should fire immediately after the compute resource gets provisioned.

c. The action should trigger only for the current project.

Additional Information required to complete the tasks:

* URL: https://vr-automation.corp.local

* Username: vcapadmin@corp.local

* Password: VMware1!

* Action Name: Saturn-Python-Script

* Python Script Content: "C:\Exam Files\Question 6\Satum Python Script.txt'

* FaaS Provider: On-Prem

* Subscription Name: Execute-Python-Script

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Correct Answer: A

To complete Task 6 for the Saturn Project, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create an ABX Action

Log in to the vRealize Automation console athttps://vr-automation.corp.localusing the provided credentials.

Navigate toExtensibility>Actions.

Click onNew Action.

Enter theAction Nameas ''Saturn-Python-Script''.

Select theScripting Languageas Python and theFaaS Provideras On-Prem.

Use theImport Packageoption to upload the content of the Python script from ''C:\Exam Files\Question 6\Satum Python Script.txt''.

Save the action.

Step 2: Create a Subscription

Go toExtensibility>Subscriptions.

Click onNew Subscription.

Enter theSubscription Nameas ''Execute-Python-Script''.

Set theEvent Topicto trigger after the compute resource gets provisioned, which is typically the ''Compute Provision'' event.

Define theConditionsfor the subscription:

The Cloud Template is ''Saturn Ubuntu 18'' only.

The action should trigger only for the current project.

Save the subscription.

Ensure that the conditions for the subscription match the exact criteria needed for the Saturn Project. The action will now be triggered automatically under the specified conditions after the compute resource is provisioned.

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